

Building real mathematical surfaces

  • María García Monera (University of Valencia)
A3 02 (Seminar room)
Attention: this event is cancelled


At the end of the 19th century, the German teachers Felix Klein (1849-1925) and Alexander Von Brill (1842-1935) designed real surfaces using different materials such as paper, wire or plaster. Inspired by their work, in this talk we present new techniques that allow us to build new cardboard surfaces.

The main idea of these techniques consists on finding plane curves contained on surfaces that can be used as a pieces to reproduce a real model of the surface.


María García Monera has a degree in Mathematics by the University of Valencia (Spain) and a Phd in differential geometry by the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She currently works as a teacher in the area of Geometry and Topology at the University of Valencia.

Attention: this event is cancelled

Attention: this event is cancelled