

Lagrangian statistical mechanics applied to non-linear stochastic field equations

  • Sir Sam F. Edwards (University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory)
G3 10 (Lecture hall)


Non-linear field equations such as the KPZ equation for deposition

and the Navier-Stokes equation for hydrodynamics are discussed by

the derivation of transport equations for the correlation function

of the field tex2html_wrap_inline30, i.e.


where h satisfies a diffusion equation driven by a noise, f,

defined as noise with a given spectrum, and containing a non linear

term, Mhh, which couples to the field itself.

In previous work, an equation for the steady state correlation function


was derived and solved to give a power law solution in an intermediate

range of k, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline44.

In this paper (joint work with Moshe Shwartz), the probability distribution for

tex2html_wrap_inline30 or tex2html_wrap_inline48 is derived,

the procedure having the same relation to the static distribution

as Lagrangian mechanics has to the Hamiltonian. A conservative

system has a static solution exp(-H/kT), but there is no

equivalent for the distribution of histories, so there is little study

of this approach. However, since approximations are essential,

the Lagrangian method is used, and is more powerful

than the usual Hamiltonian tex2html_wrap_inline52 Liouville's


tex2html_wrap_inline52 Boltzmann equation route.

The approximate equation is derived and solved in the usual conditions,

and takes the form tex2html_wrap_inline56.

Katharina Matschke

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail