

The intersection theory of the moduli space of bundles via spaces of morphisms

  • Alina Marian (Yale University + MPI MiS, Leipzig)
A3 01 (Sophus-Lie room)


We will sketch a new approach to the problem of computing the intersection theory of the moduli space M of stable bundles on a Riemann surface. This proceeds by realizing intersections of natural classes on M as intersections on a different space, a Grothendieck Quot scheme compactifying holomorphic maps from the Riemann surface to a Grassmannian. This Quot scheme is endowed with a natural group action and a virtual fundamental class compatible with the action. Thus one can compute intersection numbers on it using the virtual localization formula of Graber and Pandharipande.

Katharina Matschke

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail