

The spectrum of the Cauchy singular integral operator

  • Albrecht Böttcher (Universität Chemnitz)
A3 01 (Sophus-Lie room)


The Cauchy singular integral operator, S, is one of the main actors in the theory of Fourier convolutions, Toeplitz operators, Riemann-Hilbert problems, Wiener-Hopf and singular integral equations. While the boundedness of S has been studied for many decades, final results on the spectrum of S were obtained only in recent times. During the last few years, it was discovered that there is a surprising and undreamt-of metamorphosis of the (local) spectra of S from circular arcs via horns and logarithmic double-spirals to so-called logarithmic leaves with a halo. The talk is a survey of this fascinating development. Technical details will be omitted, but many beautiful pictures of local spectra will be shown. It will be a feast for the eyes.

Anne Dornfeld

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