

Svitlana Mayboroda's Ladyzhenskaya Lecture Unravels the Enigma of Waves

Published 06.10.2023 | Last Update 22.12.2023

Join Svitlana Mayboroda from ETH Zurich for the 14th Ladyzhenskaya Lecture on October 25, 2023 in the Felix Klein Auditorium. She'll unravel the mysteries of wave localization in complex media, covering recent breakthroughs and lingering questions.

Update 22.12.2023

Ladyzhenskaya lecture video recording

The 14th Ladyzhenskaya Lecture, featuring a stimulating exploration of wave phenomena, is now available on YouTube. Mayboroda's talk delves into the ubiquitous nature of waves, from electromagnetic and acoustic waves to the revelation of the wavelike nature of matter at the atomic level. It highlights the complexity of waves in irregular or random media. At the heart of the discussion is the remarkable phenomenon of "localization," in which waves confine themselves to distinct regions of the domain. Although 60 years have passed since the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of Anderson localization, the talk reflects on the enduring challenge of grasping this behavior and its consequences.

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Lukas Hauger in conversation with Svitlana Mayboroda

Lukas Hauger, a PhD student in the group of MPI MiS Director László Székelyhidi, had the pleasure of interviewing Svitlana Mayboroda after her talk. Their conversation covers various aspects of Mayboroda's research, lecture, and personal life. It provides a deeper understanding of her perspectives and sheds light on the motivations and insights that have shaped her contributions to the field. It is a valuable companion to the recorded Ladyzhenskaya Lecture, allowing a more personal and captivating glimpse into the mind of a remarkable scientist.

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