

An Introduction to Singular Stochastic PDEs via Regularity Structures


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In the past decade, following breakthrough works by Hairer and by Gubinelli, Imkeller and Perkowski, there has been rapid progress in obtaining a notion of solution for singular SPDEs; which are roughly speaking PDEs with a random forcing of low enough regularity that the PDE is not classically well-posed in any space of distributions and instead requires the use of probabilistic data for a suitable "renormalisation".

In a series of challenging works lying at the intersection of analysis, probability and algebra, Hairer's theory of regularity structures has been extended to a systematic machinery treating general "subcritical" (or "super-renormalisable") semilinear singular SPDEs. The purpose of this course is to give a more digestible introduction to Hairer's approach. In early lectures, in order to expose the ideas leading to the general machinery, we will develop a small parameter solution theory for some relatively simple singular SPDEs. The topics of later lectures will be fixed according to audience interest.

SPDE, Renormalisation, Regularity Structures

A basic knowledge of spaces of test functions and distributions (as in e.g. Rudin's Functional Analysis Chapter 6).

01.10.24 31.01.25

Regular lectures Winter semester 2024-2025

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences / University of Leipzig see the lecture detail pages

Katharina Matschke

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail

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