

Anomalous Dissipation and the Strong Onsager Conjecture

  • Matthew Novack (Purdue University, USA)
E2 10 (Leon-Lichtenstein)


In these lectures, we will outline a proof of the strong $L^3$ Onsager conjecture, which posits the existence of solutions to the incompressible 3D Euler equations belonging to $B^{\frac{1}{3}-}_{3,\infty}$ and satisfying a local energy inequality. These talks are based on joint works with Hyunju Kwon and Vikram Giri.

Titles for the Individual Days
JUNE 19 - Anomalous dissipation and the local energy inequality
JUNE 20 - $L^3$ convex integration
JUNE 21 - From Fourier series to wavelet series
JUNE 22 - Error estimates
JUNE 23 - Intermittent pressure

Please find the recorded sessions here:
