Beyond Worst-case Sequential Prediction: Adversarial Robustness via Abstention
- Surbhi Goel (University of Pennsylvania)
In this talk, we will propose a new model and algorithms that go beyond worst-case rates in sequential prediction. In particular, we will focus on sequential prediction over a stochastic sequence with an adversary that is allowed to inject clean-label adversarial (or out-of-distribution) examples as and when they desire. Traditional algorithms designed to handle purely stochastic data tend to fail in the presence of such adversarial examples, often leading to erroneous predictions, whereas, assuming fully adversarial data leads to very pessimistic bounds that are often vacuous in practice. To mitigate this, we will introduce a new model of sequential prediction that sits between the purely stochastic and fully adversarial settings by allowing the learner to abstain from making a prediction at no cost on adversarial examples. Assuming access to the marginal distribution on the non-adversarial examples, we will present a learner whose error scales with the VC dimension (mirroring the stochastic setting) of the hypothesis class, as opposed to the Littlestone dimension which characterizes the fully adversarial setting. Furthermore, we will design learners for certain special hypothesis classes including VC dimension 1 classes, which work even in the absence of access to the marginal distribution. We will conclude with several open questions and plausible connections of our framework with existing models. This is based on joint work with Steve Hanneke, Shay Moran, and Abhishek Shetty.