

Brief introduction to metric geometry of p-adic number and to C-valued analysis on them

  • Anton Zadorin (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
A3 02 (Seminar room)


The seminar will take form of a very brief introduction to p-adic numbers themselves and to some basic facts on the topology and other geometric features of Qp, the space of p-adic numbers. A brief introduction to elements of C-valued analysis over Qp will follow touching the theory of generalized functions on Qp, Fourier analysis, the theory of pseudo-differential operators, and, as an ultimate goal with applications in mind, elements of diffusion and Schrödinger-like equations on Qp. The number theoretic aspects, algebraic aspects, or Qp-valued analysis will not be touched at all. Most results will simply be announced without demonstration.

07.01.19 11.03.20

Seminar Structure of Evolution

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Live Stream

Katharina Matschke

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