

Hodge Learning: Relating global topology and local features of point clouds.

  • Vincent Grande (RWTH Aachen)
E2 10 (Leon-Lichtenstein)


Topological Data Analysis (TDA) allows us to extract powerful topological and higher-order information on the global shape of a data set or point cloud. Tools like Persistent Homology or the Euler Transform give a single complex description of the global structure of the point cloud. However, sometimes, we are interested in translating this global information back to local node-level features, where the individual points have some real-world meaning.

This talk will be about how we can achieve this using the Hodge Laplacian and concepts from TDA, Topological Signal Processing, and Differential Geometry. I will also talk about what we can learn from persistent homology by varying the distance function on the underlying space and analysing the corresponding shifts in the persistence diagrams.

Antje Vandenberg

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail

Diaaeldin Taha

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail

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