

Hyperplane Arrangements and Algebra

  • Galen Dorpalen-Barry (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
E1 05 (Leibniz-Saal)


Hyperplanes can be used to describe polytopes, (oriented) matroids, Coxeter groups, and other combinatorial objects. Collections of hyperplanes dissect the ambient vector space into connected components called regions, and Varchenko-Gelfand introduced a ring from the regions of a real arrangement by considering all maps from the set of regions to the integers, with pointwise addition and multiplication. Varchenko-Gelfand gave an interesting presentation for this ring as (a quotient of) a polynomial ring, and an interesting interpretation of this presentation is given by Moseley. In this talk, we consider the intersection of a hyperplane arrangement with an open, convex set and recover analogues both of Varchenko-Gelfand's presentation and of Moseley's topological interpretation.