

Liouville conformal field theory: equivalence between the path integral and the bootstrap construction

  • Vincent Vargas (ENS)
Live Stream


Liouville conformal field theory (LCFT) is a family of Conformal field theories which arise in a wide variety of contexts in the physics and the probabilistic literature: SUSY Yang-Mills, the scaling limit of large planar maps, etc...

There are two main and seemingly unrelated approaches to LCFT in the physics literature: one in the Feynman path integral formulation and one in the conformal bootstrap approach. Recently, we constructed rigorously LCFT in the Feynman path integral formulation via probability theory (and more specifically the Gaussian Free Field). In this talk, I will present recent work which shows that both approaches (probabilistic construction of the Feynman path integral and conformal bootstrap) are in fact identical. A key ingredient in our work is the analysis of an infinite dimensional semigroup, the so-called Liouville semigroup.

Based on a series of joint works with C. Guillarmou, F. David, A. Kupiainen and R. Rhodes.

09.07.20 09.03.23

Webinar Analysis, Quantum Fields & Probability

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Live Stream

Jochen Zahn

Leipzig University Contact via Mail

Roland Bauerschmidt

University of Cambridge

Stefan Hollands

Leipzig University & MPI MiS Leipzig

Christoph Kopper

Ecole Polytechnique Paris

Antti Kupiainen

University of Helsinki

Felix Otto

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail

Manfred Salmhofer

Heidelberg University