Mathematische Beschreibung der Funktion der neuromuskulären Synapse
- Bernd Fritzsche (Universität Leipzig, Institut für Physiologie)
The neuromuscular synapse provides a unidirectional flux of signals (action potentials) from the nerve to the muscle. In the terminology of cybernetics this junctional structure is an important nonlinear biological transfer element.
A mathematical description of its operation could be of interest for a better understanding of experimentally observed transmission characteristics and of possible pharmacological influences. Therefore a model of neuromuscular transmission had been proposed which considers morphological structure and interrelated chemical and electrical mechanisms. In this interrelation after-effects cut a great figure. The result of this modelling is a system of linear and nonlinear first order differential equations. By an analytical investigation of derived differential equations detailed information about the global properties of the solutions is obtained. The special time-dependent solutions computer simulated with biologically relevant parameters are in good agreement with experimentally determined transient responses of the neuromuscular synapse.