Polyhedral combinatorics of bisectors and bisection fans
- Aryaman Jal (KTH Stockholm)
Every symmetric convex body induces a norm on its affine hull. The object of our study is the bisector of two points with respect to this norm. A topological description of bisectors is known in the 2 and 3-dimensional cases and recent work of Criado, Joswig and Santos (2022) expanded this to a fuller characterisation of the geometric, combinatorial and topological properties of the bisector. A key object introduced was the bisection fan of a polytope which they were able to explicitly describe in the case of the tropical norm. We discuss the bisector as a polyhedral complex, introduce the notion of bisection cones and give combinatorial descriptions of the bisection fan corresponding to other polyhedral norms. This is joint work with Katharina Jochemko.