

Subdivision and biomembrane modelling

  • Sara Grundel (Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer Systeme, Magdeburg)
E1 05 (Leibniz-Saal)


We show how to construct a $C^2$ multiscale approximation scheme for functions defined on the (Riemann) sphere. Based on a 3-directional box-spline, a flexible $C^2$ subdivision scheme over a valence 3 extraordinary vertex can be constructed. We will explain this in detail. This subdivision scheme can be used to model spherical surfaces based on a recursively subdivided tetrahedron, with only valence 3 and 6 vertices in the resulted triangulations. This adds to the toolbox of subdivision methods a high order, high regularity scheme which can be beneficial to scientific computing applications. For instance, the scheme can be used in the numerical solution of the Canham-Helfrich-Evans models for spherical and toroidal biomembranes. Moreover, the characteristic maps of the subdivision scheme endow the underlying simplicial complex with a conformal structure. This in particular means that the special subdivision surfaces constructed here comes with a well-defined harmonic energy functional, which can in turn be exploited to promote conformality in surface parameterizations. We develop an effifficient parallel algorithm for computing the harmonic energy and its gradient with respect to the control vertices.

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