

Subspaces without rank-one matrices and quasiconvexity

  • Kewei Zhang (Sussex)
Lecture room Princeton University (Princeton)


I give a survey on linear subspaces of real matrices without rank-one connections (SNR1) and their applications to quasiconvexity. I will discuss (i) a simple case of a two point set without rank-one connections, recalling the compactness result of Ball-James and the quasiconvex envelope of Kohn and Pipkin; (ii) some direct applications and results motivated from (i); (iii) some algebraic, topological and analytic properties of SNR1; (iv) applications to the quasiconvex hull, the unstable solution for a two-point problem and the separation of gradient Young measures.

14.11.02 16.11.02

Quasiconvexity and its applications

Princeton University Lecture room

John Ball

University of Oxford

Weinan E

Princeton University

Robert Kohn

New York University

Stefan Müller

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences