

Variational methods in convex an non-convex plasticity

  • M. Ortiz (Caltech)
G3 10 (Lecture hall)


We present a class of constitutive updates for general viscoplastic solids including such aspects of material behavior as finite elastic and plastic deformations, non-Newtonian viscosity, rate-sensitivity and arbitrary flow and hardening rules. The distinguishing characteristic of the proposed constitutive updates is that, by construction, the corresponding incremental stress-strain relations derive from a pseudo-elastic strain-energy density. This in turn confers the incremental boundary value problem a variational structure. In particular, the incremental deformation mapping follows from a minimum principle. In crystals exhibiting latent hardening, the energy function is nonconvex and has wells corresponding to single-slip deformations. This favors microstructures consisting locally of single slip. We develop a micromechanical theory of dislocation structures and finite deformation single crystal plasticity based on the direct generation of deformation microstructures and the computation of the attendant effective behavior. Specifically, we aim at describing the lamellar dislocation structures which develop at large strains under monotonic loading. These microstructures are regarded as instances of sequential lamination and treated accordingly. The present approach is based on the explicit construction of microstructures by recursive lamination and their subsequent equilibration in order to relax the incremental constitutive description of the material. The microstructures are permitted to evolve in complexity and fineness with increasing macroscopic deformation. The dislocation structures are deduced from the plastic deformation gradient field by recourse to Kröner's formula for the dislocation density tensor. The theory is rendered nonlocal by the consideration of the self-energy of the dislocations. Selected examples demonstrate the ability of the theory to generate complex microstructures, determine the softening effect which those microstructures have on the effective behavior of the crystal, and account for the dependence of the effective behavior on the size of the crystalline sample, or size effect. In this last regard, the theory predicts the effective behavior of the crystal to stiffen with decreasing sample size, in keeping with experiment. In contrast to strain-gradient theories of plasticity, the size effect occurs for nominally uniform macroscopic deformations.