Veröffentlicht am 18.11.2024
Hallo! My name is Antonio Hidalgo Torné. I started working as a postdoc in László Székelyhidi's group in September.
I recently finished my Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Seville under the supervision of Francisco Gancedo. During it, I mainly studied the well-posedness of vortex filaments in the incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. Here at MPI, I'm continuing to work on these equations, but I've started exploring other very interesting scenarios where well-posedness is still unknown.
I first visited Leipzig in February, during a research visit, with terrible weather. When I finally moved here in August with my wife, I found a completely different city! I really enjoyed the sunny days at the lake. I also like to meet up with other MPI people to play board games, go bouldering... next on my list: playing soccer!