
Future Proof

Future Proof - Tobias Ried

Veröffentlicht am 18.12.24

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unseren ehemaligen Gruppenleiter Tobias Ried zu seiner neuen Stelle als Assistent Professor an der School of Mathematics am Georgia Institute of Technology. Wir wünschen ihm alles Gute und viel Erfolg.

Tobias' Forschung konzentriert sich auf partielle Differentialgleichungen und untersucht die Verbindungen zu Variationsproblemen und Wahrscheinlichkeit sowie Anwendungen in der kinetischen Theorie, der statistischen Physik, den Materialwissenschaften und der Quantenmechanik.

Tobias hat seine Promotion in Mathematik am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) abgeschlossen, wo er anschließend als Postdoktorand am Institut für Analysis arbeitete. Von 2018 bis 2021 war er zunächst als Postdoktorand an unserem Institut tätig. Im Jahr 2021 hatte Tobias eine Gastprofessur am Department of Mathematics der LMU München inne, gefolgt von einer weiteren Gastprofessur am Institut für Mathematik der Universität Leipzig im Jahr 2022. Von 2021 bis zu diesem Sommer leitete er die Forschungsgruppe Wahrscheinlichkeit und Variationsmethoden in partiellen Differentialgleichungen an unserem MPI.

Nur auf Englisch


MPI MIS: How did you get into math? What do you find particularly fascinating about this science? Why did you choose this particular field of research?
Tobias Ried: My path to mathematics was all but straight. Even though I had always been interested in mathematical problems, during high school I fell in love with astronomy. In the end, this tipped me over to start a Bachelor’s program in physics at TU Munich – where I soon realized that I rather wanted to prove things! Luckily, my analysis professor at the time was a mathematical physicist; I ended up writing my Bachelor’s (and later Master’s) thesis under her supervision and continued my Master’s studies in the Theoretical and Mathematical Physics program at LMU and TU Munich. But I’ve always kept my passion for physics applications in the mathematical problems I work on. That’s also what I like about mathematics: it is the language of science! And even though the outcome of mathematics research is a rigorous proof, the process of getting to the final “q.e.d.” is highly creative.

MPI MIS: Research usually goes hand-in-hand with teaching, how important is scientific mentorship for you?
Tobias Ried: Teaching is one of the cornerstones of academia. I’ve always enjoyed teaching, and since moving to Georgia Tech, it has played a much more prominent role in my day to day life as a mathematician. At the end of the day, it is our responsibility to educate the new generation of mathematicians. This is why I think scientific mentorship is extremely important. I count myself lucky that I’ve had (and still have) excellent mentors who I could always approach when questions or difficult decisions came up. It is my goal to pass this on by being a good mentor myself.

MPI MIS: How important was your time at the MiS both for your personal development and your scientific career?
Tobias Ried: The time at MPI MiS was extremely valuable to me. Scientifically, I started to work on completely new topics compared to what I had done during my PhD. Career-wise, being at the institute in Leipzig was a great opportunity. It allowed me to develop and pursue my own research program, to connect with experts in the field, to travel and network. I also had the freedom to gain teaching experience and work with PhD students at the institute – both of which have been very formative experiences. And I got to know many interesting people at the institute, some of which are now very good friends!

Nur auf Englisch


The Wasserstein-2 barycenter of four Gaussians.
The Wasserstein-2 barycenter of four Gaussians

Tobias‘ research is broadly centered around the study of partial differential equations with links to the calculus of variations and probability. The topics he finds most exciting have applications in kinetic theory, statistical physics, materials science and quantum mechanics.
Typically, the problems he works on are described by few and simple basic mechanisms that can lead to a rich class of complex phenomena, whose description involves interesting mathematics!

Optimal Transport and Applications

The optimal transport problem can be stated quite easily: given two piles of mass and a cost function that tells you how expensive it is to move a particle between them, what is the cheapest way of transporting the initial to the target distribution. The solution – the optimal transport plan – has some very interesting properties, with an extremely delicate regularity theory. Tobias’ research is concerned with a relatively novel variational approach to the regularity theory of optimal transport, in particular trying to understand the regularity of a generalization of optimal transport to more than two measures. This multi-marginal optimal transport problem has applications in the theory of Wasserstein barycenters (an important concept in data science, statistics, and image processing) and electronic density functional theory in quantum chemistry.

Microstructures and Universality in Materials Science

The magnetization in ferromagnetic samples can exhibit a wealth of complex patterns. The attempt of understanding the their emergence has led to the discovery and development of effective theories that are nowadays of crucial importance in engineering applications. From a mathematical point of view, proving the existence and formation of complex patterns in such effective models is an extremely challenging question with only a handful of examples where this has been achieved. In Tobias’ research he is particularly interested in branched micro-structures, which occur in so-called strongly uniaxial ferromagnets, but also give rise to the complex patterns at the surface of certain type-I superconductors. Mathematically, his goal is to describe these branched patterns in a statistical sense through local energy estimates, which makes a nice connection to elliptic regularity theory.

Mathematical Quantum Mechanics

A central question in quantum mechanics is how many electrons an atom can bind. In mathematical terms, this translates into a bound on the number of negative eigenvalues of a Schrödinger operator. An estimate with the correct semi-classical behavior has independently been proved by Cwikel, Lieb, and Rozenblum in the 1970s. The optimal constant in this inequality has been a long-standing open problem. Together with colleagues from Karlsruhe Tobias recently made some progress by a so far overlooked connection of this problem to estimates that are well- known in harmonic analysis. However, their estimate on the optimal constant is still far away from the conjectured optimal one — so completely new ideas are needed to resolve this question!