

An $L^1$ method for convergence and metastability

  • Maria Westdickenberg (RWTH Aachen University)
E1 05 (Leibniz-Saal)


We present a novel method developed for the 1-d Cahn Hilliard equation in Otto, Scholtes, and W. (2019) and extended in Biesenbach, Schubert, and W. (2021). We also mention work in progress with Otto and Schubert in which this method is applied to the Mullins Sekerka evolution in dimensions 2 and 3.

Upcoming Events of this Seminar

  • Dienstag, 11.03.25 tba with Jianfeng Lu
  • Dienstag, 11.03.25 tba with Steffen Börm
  • Dienstag, 06.05.25 tba with Ilya Chevyrev
  • Dienstag, 03.06.25 tba with Mate Gerencser