

The master loop equation for lattice YM via the Langevin dynamic

  • Scott A. Smith (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
E1 05 (Leibniz-Saal)


The discrete Yang Mills measure was introduced by Wilson (1974), who made several interesting conjectures about the observables of the theory, now known as Wilson loops. Shortly after, `t Hooft (1974) discovered the 1/N expansion of the theory with structure group U(N), inspiring a large body of physics literature known as 'large N problems'. More recently, Chatterjee (2015) studied the large N limit rigorously in the strong coupling regime, and a key tool is the finite N master loop equation, a recursive formula satisfied by Wilson loops.

In this talk, I will discuss the Langevin dynamic associated to the discrete Yang Mills measure and show that Chatterjee's loop equation can be derived as a simple consequence of Ito's formula. This is joint work with Hao Shen and Rongchan Zhu.

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