

Postdoc Call 2025

The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MiS) invites applications for several Postdoctoral Research Positions to join our community exploring mathematical frontiers in interdisciplinary fields.

MPI MiS is a research institute located in Leipzig, Germany. Our research advances outward-looking mathematics. We are committed to innovative fundamental research and transferring concepts and structures from mathematics into other academic fields.

We are looking for applicants who show strong research promise in mathematics or neighboring fields. Successful candidates will be integrated into one of our research departments (Applied Analysis; Geometry, Groups, and Dynamics; Nonlinear Algebra; Pattern Formation, Energy Landscapes, and Scaling Laws) or one of our research groups (cf. They will collaborate closely with at least one of the institute's postdoctoral mentors. The list of postdoctoral mentors can be found at

Our Offer

  • Postdoc position for 1-3 years
  • No teaching duties, but the possibility to teach an advanced course in our international graduate school
  • We provide a scientific environment that encourages the exploration of new scientific directions and provides many partners with whom to discuss a wide range of scientific ideas.


Deadline: December 1st (starting date flexible)

Please submit the following information:

  • CV
  • List of publications
  • Transcript of PhD certificate
    If you have not yet received your PhD certificate: Please upload a short statement about the current status of your doctorate and a brief summary of your thesis.
  • Research statement also addressing research projects with names of possible collaborators at MPI MiS
  • Names and contact data of two or more referees willing to write a letter of recommendation

During the application process you will be asked to identify at least one scientific partner in Leipzig. The list of possible scientific partners coincides with the list of possible postdoctoral mentors. Please have a look at the overview of postdoctoral mentors to learn more about the research of possible partners.

Applications are submitted through an electronic form hosted by

During the application process, you will be asked for which kind of position you apply.
Please choose "Postdoc Call 2025".

Typically, we do not review applications until right after the deadline, i.e., in December. In exceptional cases, we may consider applications in between. If there are reasons why your application should be reviewed earlier, please upload your application and then email us with a brief explanation.

The Max Planck Society is striving for gender diversity. We welcome applications from all backgrounds and explicitly encourage applications from women and others who would bring additional dimensions of diversity to our institute. The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified candidates.