Rida Ait El Manssour et al.
D-algebraic functions
Daniele Agostini et al.
Vector spaces of generalized Euler integrals
Wojciech Chachólski et al.
The shift-dimension of multipersistence modules
Claudia Fevola et al.
Algebraic approaches to cosmological integrals
Johannes Henn et al.
\(D\)-module techniques for solving differential equations in the context of Feynman integrals
Anaëlla Pfister et al.
Differential equations for moving hyperplane arrangements
Rida Ait El Manssour et al.
Combinatorial differential algebra of \(x^p\)
Michael Borinsky et al.
Bayesian integrals on toric varieties
Paul Breiding et al.
Nonlinear algebra and applications
Kathlén Kohn et al.
Geometry of linear neural networks : equivariance and invariance under permutation groups
Anna-Laura Sattelberger et al.
Maximum likelihood estimation from a tropical and a Bernstein-Sato perspective
Taylor Brysiewicz et al.
Meet and greet with OSCAR
Paul Görlach et al.
Algebraic analysis of the hypergeometric function \(\,{_1F_{\!\!\;1}}\,\) of a matrix argument
Anna-Laura Sattelberger
Topological computation of Stokes matrices of some weighted projective lines
Michael F. Adamer et al.
Algebraic analysis of rotation data
Anna-Laura Sattelberger et al.
D-modules and holonomic functions
Anna-Laura Sattelberger
Topological computation of stokes data of weighted projective lines