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Eckehard Olbrich - Publications

Explore the scholarly works of Eckehard Olbrich. Browse journal articles, contributions in books and conference proceedings, academic theses, or discover the latest research through preprints.

2024 Repository Open Access
Sven Banisch, Dennis Jacob, Tom Willaert and Eckehard Olbrich

A dynamical model of platform choice and online segregation

2024 Journal Open Access
Cristina Blanco-Dunque, Suraya A. Bond, Lukas B. Krone, Jean-Phillipe Dufour, Edward C. P. Gillen, Ross J. Purple, Martin Kahn, David Bannerman, Edward O. Mann, Peter Achermann, Eckehard Olbrich and Vladyslav Vyazovskiy

Oscillatory-quality of sleep spindles links brain state with sleep regulation and function

In: Science advances, 10 (2024) 36, eadn6247
2024 Journal Open Access
Andrea I. Luppi, Eckehard Olbrich, Conor Finn, Laura E. Suárez, Fernando E. Rosas, Pedro A. M. Mediano and Jürgen Jost

Quantifying synergy and redundancy between networks

In: Cell reports physical science, 5 (2024) 4, p. 101892
2023 Journal Open Access
Felix Gaisbauer, Armin Pournaki, Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich

Grounding force-directed network layouts with latent space models

In: Journal of computational social science, 6 (2023), pp. 707-739
2023 Journal Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Roberto Lalli, Manfred D. Laubichler, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Renn, Guillermo Restrepo, Peter F. Stadler and Dirk Wintergrün

Computational history : challenges and opportunities of formal approaches

In: Journal of social computing, 4 (2023) 3, pp. 232-242
2023 Repository Open Access
Armin Pournaki, Eckehard Olbrich, Thierry Poibeau, Jean-Philippe Cointet and Jürgen Jost

Analyzing climate change contrarian argumentation on Reddit

2023 Repository Open Access
Armin Pournaki, Eckehard Olbrich, Sven Banisch and Konstantin Klemm

Order-disorder transition in the zero-temperature Ising model on random graphs

In: Physical review / E, 107 (2023) 5, p. 054112
2023 Repository Open Access
Johannes Rauh, Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich, Guido Montúfar and Jürgen Jost

Continuity and additivity properties of information decompositions

In: International journal of approximate reasoning, 161 (2023), p. 108979
2023 Journal Open Access
Viacheslav Shibaev, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost and Ivan P. Yamshchikov

Quick estimate of information decomposition for text style transfer

In: Entropy, 25 (2023) 2, p. 322
2022 Repository Open Access
Nihat Ay, Nils Bertschinger, Jürgen Jost, Eckehard Olbrich and Johannes Rauh

Information and complexity, or: Where is the information?

In: Complexity and emergence : Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Italy, July 22-27, 2018 / Sergio Albeverio... (eds.)
Cham : Springer, 2022. - pp. 87-105
(Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics ; 383)
2022 Journal Open Access
Sven Banisch, Felix Gaisbauer and Eckehard Olbrich

Modelling spirals of silence and echo chambers by learning from the feedback of others

In: Entropy, 24 (2022) 10, p. 1484
2022 Journal Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich and Sven Banisch

Corrigendum: ''The rise of populism and the reconfiguration of the German political space'' [In: Frontiers in big data, 4 (2021), 731349]

In: Frontiers in big data, 4 (2022), p. 833037
2022 Journal Open Access
Petter Törnberg, Eckehard Olbrich and Justus Uitermark

Editorial: The computational analysis of cultural conflicts

In: Frontiers in big data, 5 (2022), p. 840584
2021 Journal Open Access
Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich

An argument communication model of polarization and ideological alignment

In: The journal of artificial societies and social simulation, 24 (2021) 1, p. 1
2021 Journal Open Access
Felix Gaisbauer, Armin Pournaki, Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich

Ideological differences in engagement in public debate on Twitter

In: PLOS ONE, 16 (2021) 3, e0249241
2021 Journal Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich and Sven Banisch

The rise of populism and the reconfiguration of the German political space

In: Frontiers in big data, 4 (2021), p. 731349
2021 Journal Open Access
Armin Pournaki, Felix Gaisbauer, Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich

The twitter explorer : a framework for observing Twitter through interactive networks

In: Journal of digital social research, 3 (2021) 1, pp. 106-118
2020 Repository Open Access
Sven Banisch, Felix Gaisbauer and Eckehard Olbrich

How social feedback processing in the brain shapes collective opinion processes in the era of social media

2020 Journal Open Access
Cristina Blanco-Dunque, Martin Kahn, Lukas B. Krone, Peter Achermann, David Bannerman, Eckehard Olbrich and Vladyslav Vyazovskiy

Spindle oscillatory-quality : a new metric for the spatiotemporal dynamics of sleep spindles

In: Journal of sleep research, 29 (2020) S1, pp. 37-37
2020 Journal Open Access
Felix Gaisbauer, Eckehard Olbrich and Sven Banisch

The dynamics of opinion expression

In: Physical review / E, 102 (2020) 4, p. 042303
2020 Journal Open Access
David C. Krakauer, Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich, Jessica C. Flack and Nihat Ay

The information theory of individuality

In: Theory in biosciences, 139 (2020) 2, pp. 209-223
2020 Repository Open Access
Arsenii Rasov, Ilya Obabkov, Eckehard Olbrich and Ivan P. Yamshchikov

Text classification for monolingual political manifestos with words out of vocabulary

In: Proceedings of the 5th international conference on complexity, future information systems and risk : COMPLEXIS 2020 ; May 8-9, 2020 ; Volume 1 / Reinhold Behringer... (eds.)
Setúbal (Portugal) : SCITEPRESS, 2020. - pp. 149-154
2019 Repository Open Access
Peter Achermann, Thomas Rusterholz, Benjamin Stucky and Eckehard Olbrich

Oscillatory patterns in the electroencephalogram at sleep onset

In: Sleep : journal of sleep and sleep disorders research, 42 (2019) 8, zsz096
2019 Journal Open Access
Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich

Opinion polarization by learning from social feedback

In: The journal of mathematical sociology, 43 (2019) 2, pp. 76-103
Cristina Blanco-Dunque, Eckehard Olbrich, Peter Achermann, Martin Kahn, Lukas B. Krone, David Bannerman and Vladyslav Vyazovskiy

Sleep spindle quality reflects spatio-temporal dynamics of scillatory activity within cortical networks

In: Sleep medicine : an international journal, 64 (2019) Supplement 1, S41
2019 Repository Open Access
Johannes Rauh, Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich and Jürgen Jost

Unique information and secret key decompositions

In: IEEE international symposium on information theory (ISIT) from July 7 to 12, 2019 ; Paris, France
Piscataway, NY : IEEE, 2019. - pp. 3042-3046
2018 Repository Open Access
Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost and Johannes Rauh

Unique informations and deficiencies

In: 2018 56th Annual Allerton Conference on communication, control, and computing
Piscataway, N.J. : IEEE, 2018. - pp. 32-38
Jürgen Jost, Nils Bertschinger, František Matúš and David Wolpert

Information geometry and game theory

In: Information geometry and its applications : on the occasion of Shun-ichi Amari's 80th Birthday, IGAIA IV Liblice, Czech Republic, June 2016 / Nihat Ay... (eds.)
Cham : Springer, 2018. - pp. 19-46
(Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics ; 252)
2018 Journal Open Access
Johannes Rauh, Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost, Nils Bertschinger and David Wolpert

Coarse-graining and the Blackwell order [Entropy, 19 (2017) 10, 527]

In: Information decomposition of target effects from multi-source interactions : [collected articles from the special issue published in Entropy] / Joseph T. Lizier... (eds.)
Basel : MDPI, 2018. - pp. 150-160
2018 Journal Open Access
Johannes Rauh, Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost and Nils Bertschinger

On extractable shared information [Entropy, 19 (2017) 7, 328]

In: Information decomposition of target effects from multi-source interactions : [collected articles from the special issue published in Entropy] / Joseph T. Lizier... (eds.)
Basel : MDPI, 2018. - pp. 11-20
2017 Journal Open Access
Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich

The Coconut Model with heterogeneous strategies and learning

In: The journal of artificial societies and social simulation, 20 (2017) 1, p. 14
2017 Journal Open Access
Kristian Lindgren and Eckehard Olbrich

The approach towards equilibrium in a reversible ising dynamics model : an information-theoretic analysis based on an exact solution

In: Journal of statistical physics, 168 (2017) 4, pp. 919-935
2017 Journal Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich, Thomas Rusterholz, Monique K. LeBourgeois and Peter Achermann

Developmental changes in sleep oscillations during early childhood

In: Neural plasticity, 2017 (2017), p. 6160959
2017 Journal Open Access
Johannes Rauh, Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost, Nils Bertschinger and David Wolpert

Coarse-graining and the Blackwell order

In: Entropy, 19 (2017) 10, p. 527
2017 Journal Open Access
Johannes Rauh, Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost and Nils Bertschinger

On extractable shared information

In: Entropy, 19 (2017) 7, p. 328
2016 Repository Open Access
Fatihcan M. Atay, Sven Banisch, Philippe Blanchard, Bruno Cessac, Eckehard Olbrich and Dimitri Volchenkov

Perspectives on multi-level dynamics

In: An interdisciplinary journal of discontinuity, nonlinearity, and complexity, 5 (2016) 3, pp. 313-339
2016 Repository Open Access
Robin Lamarche-Perrin, Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich

The information Bottleneck method for optimal prediction of multilevel agent-based systems

In: Advances in complex systems, 19 (2016) 1-2, p. 1650002
2016 Repository Open Access
Oliver Pfante, Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich, Nihat Ay and Jürgen Jost

Wie findet man eine geeignete Beschreibungsebene für ein komplexes System?

In: Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 2016 (2016), Forschungsbericht - Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften
Sven Banisch, Robin Lamarche-Perrin and Eckehard Olbrich

Evaluating multilevel predictions from data : the case of trading data to predict GDP growth

In: Conference on complex systems (CCS'15), Tempe, Arizona ; September 28 - October 2 2015
2015 Journal Open Access
Georg Martius and Eckehard Olbrich

Quantifying emergent behavior of autonomous robots

In: Entropy, 17 (2015) 10, pp. 7266-7297
2015 Journal Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich, Nils Bertschinger and Johannes Rauh

Information decomposition and synergy

In: Entropy, 17 (2015) 5, pp. 3501-3517
2014 Journal Open Access
Nils Bertschinger, Johannes Rauh, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost and Nihat Ay

Quantifying unique information

In: Entropy, 16 (2014) 4, pp. 2161-2183
Eckehard Olbrich, Monique K. LeBourgeois and Peter Achermann

Developmental changes in sleep oscillations during early childhood

In: Journal of sleep research, 23 (2014) Supplement s1, p. 19
Eckehard Olbrich, Hans Peter Landolt and Peter Achermann

Effect of prolonged wakefulness on electroencephalographic oscillatory activity during sleep

In: Journal of sleep research, 23 (2014) 3, pp. 255-262
2014 Repository Open Access
Oliver Pfante, Eckehard Olbrich, Nils Bertschinger, Nihat Ay and Jürgen Jost

Closure measures for coarse-graining of the tent map

In: Chaos, 24 (2014), p. 013136
2014 Repository Open Access
Oliver Pfante, Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich, Nihat Ay and Jürgen Jost

Comparison between different methods of level identification

In: Advances in complex systems, 17 (2014) 2, p. 1450007
2014 Repository Open Access
Johannes Rauh, Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich and Jürgen Jost

Reconsidering unique information : towards a multivariate information decomposition

In: IEEE international symposium on information theory proceedings (ISIT) 2014 : June 29-July 4, 2014 in Honolulu, USA
Piscataway, NY : IEEE, 2014. - pp. 2232-2236
2013 Repository Open Access
Nils Bertschinger, Johannes Rauh, Eckehard Olbrich and Jürgen Jost

Shared information : new insights and problems in decomposing information in complex systems

In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2012 / Thomas Gilbert... (eds.)
Dordrecht : Springer, 2013. - pp. 251-269
(Springer proceedings in complexity)
2013 Repository Open Access
Nils Bertschinger, David Wolpert, Eckehard Olbrich and Jürgen Jost

Value of information in noncooperative games

Christian Meisel, Eckehard Olbrich, Oren Shriki and Peter Achermann

Fading signatures of critical brain dynamics during sustained wakefulness in humans

In: The journal of neuroscience, 33 (2013) 44, pp. 17363-17372
2012 Repository Open Access
David Wolpert, Michael Harré, Eckehard Olbrich, Nils Bertschinger and Jürgen Jost

Hysteresis effects of changing the parameters of noncooperative games

In: Physical review / E, 85 (2012) 3, p. 036102
2011 Repository Open Access
Nihat Ay, Eckehard Olbrich, Nils Bertschinger and Jürgen Jost

A geometric approach to complexity

In: Chaos, 21 (2011) 3, p. 037103
Eckehard Olbrich, Jens Christian Claussen and Peter Achermann

The multiple time scales of sleep dynamics as a challenge for modelling the sleeping brain

In: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society / A, 369 (2011) 1952, pp. 3884-3901
Eckehard Olbrich, Peter Achermann and Thomas Wennekers

The sleeping brain as a complex system

In: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society / A, 369 (2011) 1952, pp. 3697-3707
2010 Repository Open Access
Gunnar Boldhaus, Nils Bertschinger, Johannes Rauh, Eckehard Olbrich and Konstantin Klemm

Robustness of Boolean dynamics under knockouts

In: Physical review / E, 82 (2010) 2, p. 021916
Jürgen Jost, Nils Bertschinger and Eckehard Olbrich


In: New ideas in psychology, 28 (2010) 3, pp. 265-273
2010 Repository Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich, Thomas Kahle, Nils Bertschinger, Nihat Ay and Jürgen Jost

Quantifying structure in networks

In: The European physical journal / B, 77 (2010) 2, pp. 239-247
Eckehard Olbrich

The sleeping brain as a dynamical system : insights from time series analysis of the human sleep EEG

In: Proceedings of Biosignal 2010, 14-16 July, Berlin, Germany
Berlin : Humboldt-Universität / Department of Physics, 2010.
2009 Repository Open Access
Thomas Kahle, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost and Nihat Ay

Complexity measures from interaction structures

In: Physical review / E, 79 (2009) 2, pt. 2, p. 026201
Konstantin Klemm, Daniel Merkle and Eckehard Olbrich

Editorial : artificial life

In: Advances in complex systems, 12 (2009) 3, vii-viii
Konstantin Klemm, Daniel Merkle and Eckehard Olbrich (Eds.)

Proceedings of the 8th German Workshop on Artificial Life, July 30 - August 1, 2008, Leipzig, Germany

Heidelberg : Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 2009. - p. 160
ISBN: 978-1-58603-951-6, ISBN: 1-58603-951-2, ISBN: 978-3-89838-613-5
2009 Journal Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich and Thomas Wennekers

Distinguishing brain oscillations : understanding differences in topography, frequency, and incidence by a simple modeling framework

In: BMC neuroscience, 10 (2009) Supplement 1, P229
2008 Journal Open Access
Nihat Ay, Nils Bertschinger, Ralf Der, Frank Güttler and Eckehard Olbrich

Predictive information and explorative behavior of autonomous robots

In: The European physical journal / B, 63 (2008) 3, pp. 329-339
Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich, Nihat Ay and Jürgen Jost

Autonomy : an information-theoretic perspective

In: Biosystems, 91 (2008) 2, pp. 331-345
Markus Niemann, Eckehard Olbrich, Thomas Laubrich and Holger Kantz

Usage of the Mori-Zwanzig method in time series analysis

In: Physical review / E, 77 (2008) 1, p. 011117
2008 Journal Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich and Peter Achermann

Analysis of the temporal organization of sleep spindles in the human sleep EEG using a phenomenological modeling approach

In: Journal of biological physics, 34 (2008) 3/4, pp. 341-349
2008 Journal Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich, Hans Peter Landolt and Peter Achermann

Changes of delta and spindle oscillations in response to sleep deprivation are correlated

In: Journal of sleep research, 17 (2008) supp. 1, pp. 221-222
2008 Journal Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich, Nils Bertschinger, Nihat Ay and Jürgen Jost

How should complexity scale with system size?

In: The European physical journal / B, 63 (2008) 3, pp. 407-415
2008 Journal Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich and Thomas Wennekers

Multichannel analysis of neural oscillations in a simple model network : towards a better understanding of the spatiotemporal structure of brain oscillations

In: BMC neuroscience, 9 (2008) Supplement 1, P153
Jürgen Jost, Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich, Nihat Ay and Sidney Frankel

An information theoretic approach to system differentiation on the basis of statistical dependencies between subsystems

In: Physica / A, 378 (2007) 1, pp. 1-10
Jürgen Jost and Eckehard Olbrich

Luhmanns Gesellschaftstheorie : Anregung und Herausforderung für eine allgemeine Theorie komplexer Systeme

In: Soziale Systeme, 13 (2007) 1/2, pp. 46-57
Eckehard Olbrich and Thomas Wennekers

Dynamics of parameters of neurophysiological models from phenomenological EEG modeling

In: Neurocomputing, 70 (2007) 10-12, pp. 1848-1852
Nihat Ay, Eckehard Olbrich, Nils Bertschinger and Jürgen Jost

A unifying framework for complexity measures of finite systems

In: ECCS'06 : proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2006 ; towards a science of complex systems / Jürgen Jost... (eds.)
Paris : European Complex Systems Society, 2006. - pp. 80-80
Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich, Nihat Ay and Jürgen Jost

Autonomy : an information theoretic perspective

In: Artificial life X : proceedings of the tenth international conference on the synthesis and simulation of living systems / Luis Mateus Rocha... (eds.)
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2006. - pp. 7-12
Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich, Nihat Ay and Jürgen Jost

Information and closure in systems theory

In: Explorations in the complexity of possible life : abstracting and synthesizing the principles of living systems ; proceedings of the 7th German Workshop on Artificial Life, July 26 - 28, 2006, Jena, Germany / S. Artmann... (eds.)
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2006. - pp. 9-19
Holger Kantz and Eckehard Olbrich

Deterministic and probabilistic forecasting in reconstructed state spaces

In: Handbook of time series analysis / Björn Schelter (ed.)
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2006. - pp. 67-88
Eckehard Olbrich and Peter Achermann

Oscillatory events in the human sleep EEG : incidence and properties in baseline and recovery sleep after sleep deprivation

In: Journal of sleep research, 15 (2006) supp. 1, pp. 50-52
Eckehard Olbrich and Peter Achermann

Analysis of oscillatory patterns in the human sleep EEG using a novel detection algorithm

In: Journal of sleep research, 14 (2005) 4, pp. 337-346
Eckehard Olbrich and Peter Achermann

Oscillatory events in the human sleep EEG : detection and properties

In: Neurocomputing, 58-60 (2004), pp. 129-135
Eckehard Olbrich, Peter Achermann and P.F. Meier

Dynamics of human sleep EEG

In: Neurocomputing, 52-54 (2003), pp. 857-862
Eckehard Olbrich, P.F. Meier and Peter Achermann

Nonlinearity and nonstationarity in human sleep EEG data

In: Sleep : journal of sleep and sleep disorders research, 26 (2003), A394-A394
Y. Shen, Eckehard Olbrich, Peter Achermann and P.F. Meier

Dimensional complexity and spectral properties of the human sleep EEG

In: Clinical neurophysiology, 114 (2003) 2, pp. 199-209
Stefan Güttler, Holger Kantz and Eckehard Olbrich

Reconstruction of the parameter spaces of dynamical systems

In: Physical review / E, 63 (2001) 5, p. 056215
2000 Repository Open Access
Massimo Cencini, Massimo Falcioni, Eckehard Olbrich, Holger Kantz and Angelo Vulpiani

Chaos or noise : difficulties of a distinction

In: Physical review / E, 62 (2000) 1, pp. 427-437
Holger Kantz and Eckehard Olbrich

Coarse grained dynamical entropies : investigation of high-entropic dynamical systems

In: Physica / A, 280 (2000) 1-2, pp. 34-48
2000 Repository Open Access
Eckehard Olbrich, Rainer Hegger and Holger Kantz

Local estimates for entropy densities in coupled map lattices

In: Physical review letters, 84 (2000) 10, pp. 2132-2135
Stefan Güttler, Holger Kantz and Eckehard Olbrich

Fehlerfrüherkennung durch Zeitreihenanalyse

In: Statusseminar technische Anwendungen von Erkenntnissen der nichtlinearen Dynamik : Dorint Hotel Frankfurt ; 23./24. Februar 1999 / Holger Hoffschulz (ed.)
Düsseldorf : VDI-Technologiezentrum, 1999. - pp. 77-81
Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz and Eckehard Olbrich

Problems in the reconstruction of high-dimensional deterministic dynamics from time series

In: Nonlinear analysis of physiological data / Holger Kantz... (eds.)
Berlin : Springer, 1998. - pp. 23-47
Holger Kantz, Stefan Güttler and Eckehard Olbrich

Fehlerfrüherkennung durch Zeitreihenanalyse

In: Workshop Zeitreihenanalyse / Vorträge und Diskussion : Düsseldorf, 10. Dezember 1997 / Holger Hoffschulz (ed.)
Düsseldorf : VDI-Technologiezentrum, 1998. - pp. 43-46
1998 Repository Open Access
Holger Kantz and Eckehard Olbrich

The transition from deterministic chaos to a stochastic process

In: Physica / A, 253 (1998) 1-4, pp. 105-117
Eckehard Olbrich, Rainer Hegger and Holger Kantz

Analysing local observations of weakly coupled maps

In: Physics Letters / A, 244 (1998) 6, pp. 538-544
Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz and Eckehard Olbrich

Correlation dimension of intermittent signals

In: Physical review / E, 56 (1997) 1, pp. 199-203
Holger Kantz and Eckehard Olbrich

Scalar observations from a class of high-dimensional chaotic systems : limitations of the time delay embedding

In: Chaos, 7 (1997) 3, pp. 423-429
Eckehard Olbrich and Holger Kantz

Inferring chaotic dynamics from time-series : on which length scale determinism becomes visible

In: Physics Letters / A, 232 (1997) 1-2, pp. 63-69
Serge Aubry, Sergej Flach, Konstantin Kladko and Eckehard Olbrich

Manifestation of classical bifurcation in the spectrum of the integrable quantum dimer

In: Physical review letters, 76 (1996) 10, pp. 1607-1610
Sergej Flach, C. R. Willis and Eckehard Olbrich

Integrability and localized excitations in nonlinear discrete systems

In: Physical review / E, 49 (1994) 1, pp. 836-850
Sergej Flach and Eckehard Olbrich

Mode coupling approximation in a model of structural phase transitions with infinite range interaction

In: Zeitschrift für Physik, 85 (1991) 1, pp. 99-103