
MiS Profile

Felix Otto - Co-organization of conferences

2003 Partial differential equations, Oberwolfach
2003 Conference on the 60th birthday of Prof. Jens Frehse, Bonn
2003 Workshop Continuum Models for Epitaxial Growth (SFB 611 and caesar) Research Center Caesar, Bonn
2003 SFB 611 Summer School „Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models", Bonn
2005 Workshop: Multiscale Analysis and Computation, IPAM/UCLA Los Angeles
2006 SFB 611 Winter School, Bonn
2006 Workshop Micromagnetics: p Experiments, Modeling, and Mathematical Theory, Bonn
2006 Trimester on Partial Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations, Ennio De Giorgi Center Pisa
2007 Opening Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence: Hausdorff Center for Mathematics ‘Mathematics: Foundations, Models, Applications’, Bonn
2008 MULTIMAT closing meeting, Bonn
2008 Minisymposium Micromagnetism: Modeling, Analysis and Computation, SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia
2009 Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Optimal Transport and Geometry , Oberwolfach
2010 Phase transitions, Oberwolfach
2011 Variational Methods for Evolution, Oberwolfach
2011 Scientific Advisory Board for Equadiff (series of European conferences on theoretical aspects of differential equations held every four years), Loughborough University, England
2011 Organizing Committee: SIAM Conference on Analysis of PDEs, San Diego 2011
2012 Program Committee: 6th European Congress of Mathematics, Krakow
2013 Scientific Committee: PiRE Meeting, Trieste
2013 Scientific committee: ACMAC, Heraklion
2013 Organizing Committee, Co-Chair: SIAM conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Sciences, Philadelphia, June 9-12
2013 PI Summer Graduate Program Flow, Geometric Motion, Deformation, and Mass Transport in Physiological Processes, University of Minnesota
2014 Conference on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Leipzig
2014 Conference on Nonlinearity, Transport, Physics and Patterns, Toronto
2015 PIRE Workshop: From Grain Boundaries to Stochastic Homogenization, Leipzig
2015 Equadiff Lyon, Scientific committee
2016 Conference Patterns of Dynamics, in honor of Bernhold Fiedler's 60th birthday, Berlin
2018 Program Committee for the International Congress of Mathematicians: chair for PDE section
2018 Closing workshop for the program Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory at Newton Institute Cambridge
2019 Scientific Advisory Committee for ICIAM Congress, Valencia 2019
2019 Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge, Scientific committee for long-term programme on the Mathematical Design of New Materials
2019 Co-Organizer (with Scott Armstrong) of minisymposium on stochastic homogenization at Equadiff, Leiden
2019 Co-organizer (with Charlie Smart) of a minisymposium at the 41st Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Northwestern University Evanston
2019 Material theories, statistical mechanics, and geometric analysis, A conference in honor of Stephan Luckhaus' 66th birthday, Leipzig
2019 LIA in Regensburg; member of scientific committee
2020 Program committee DMV Annual Meeting, Chemnitz
2020 Organizing committee for (virtual) SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science 2021, BCAM Bilbao, Spain
2022 Co-Organizer of the conference 'Mathematical Concepts in the Sciences and Humanities', dedicated to Jürgen Jost on the occasion of his 65th birthday, MPI MiS Leipzig
2022 Sci­entific ad­vis­ory com­mit­tee for the ICM satellite conference 'Probability and Mathematical Physics', Helsinki
2023 Summer School PDE and Randomness, MPI MIS Leipzig
2024 Workshop on Liquid Thin films, MPI MIS Leipzig