Benjamin Gess — Fluctuations in Non-Equilibrium and Stochastic PDE
Veröffentlicht am 03.06.2021
Macroscopic fluctuation theory provides a general framework for far from equilibrium thermodynamics, based on a fundamental formula for large fluctuations around (local) equilibria. This fundamental postulate can be informally justified from the framework of fluctuating hydrodynamics, linking far from equilibrium behavior to zero-noise large deviations in conservative, stochastic PDE. In this talk, we will give rigorous justification to this relation in the special case of the zero range process. More precisely, we show that the rate function describing its large fluctuations is identical to the rate function appearing in zero noise large deviations to conservative stochastic PDE. The proof is based on the well-posedness of the skeleton equation -- a degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic PDE with irregular coefficients, the proof of which extends DiPerna-Lions' concept of renormalized solutions to nonlinear diffusions.
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