Benjamin Gess et al.
Conservative SPDEs as fluctuating mean field limits of stochastic gradient descent
L'ubomír Baňas et al.
Numerical approximation of singular-degenerate parabolic stochastic partial differential equations
Benjamin J. Fehrman et al.
Conservative stochastic PDEs on the whole space
Benjamin J. Fehrman et al.
Well-posedness of the Dean-Kawasaki and the nonlinear Dawson-Watanabe equation with correlated noise
Paul Gassiat et al.
Long-time behavior of stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Benjamin Gess et al.
A quantitative central limit theorem for the simple symmetric exclusion process
Benjamin Gess et al.
Higher order fluctuation expansions for nonlinear stochastic heat equations in singular limits
Benjamin Gess et al.
Low temperature expansion for the Euclidean \(\Phi^4_2\)-measure
Benjamin Gess et al.
Lyapunov exponents and synchronisation by noise for systems of SPDEs
Benjamin Gess et al.
Stochastic modified flows for Riemannian stochastic gradient descent
Benjamin Gess et al.
Stochastic modified flows, mean-field limits and dynamics of stochastic gradient descent
Benjamin Gess et al.
SVI solutions to stochastic nonlinear diffusion equations on general measure spaces