
Universität Leipzig
10.07.13 29.01.25

Felix Klein Colloquium

Previous Events

29.01.25 Antonio Lerario (SISSA)
The Complexity of Bezout’s Theorem: From Algebraic Geometry to Optimal Transport
08.01.25 Thomas Schick (Georg-August Universität Göttingen)
The topology of positive scalar curvature
13.11.24 Petra Schwer (OVGU Magdeburg)
Conjugation in Euclidean isometry groups
24.04.24 Wolfgang Lück (University of Bonn)
Survey on aspherical manifolds
17.01.24 Alexander Shnirelman (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada)
Analytical structure of fluid flows (joint work with Aleksander Danielski)
13.12.23 Anna Wienhard (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Geometry and dynamics of group actions
12.07.23 Edriss S. Titi (University of Cambridge, U.K.)
Mathematical Analysis of Atmospheric Models with Moisture
14.06.23 Peter Korn (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg)
Some mathematical aspects of climate modelling
18.01.23 David Kerr (Uni Münster, Germany)
Suspending the pigeonhole principle: amenability and the Rokhlin lemma
04.01.23 Daniel Kráľ (Masaryk University)
Analytic view on extremal combinatorics
09.11.22 Lauren Williams (Harvard University)
Combinatorics of hopping particles and positivity in Markov chains
26.10.22 Gavril Farkas (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Equations and syzygies of algebraic curves
04.11.21 Ilka Agricola (Universität Marburg)
Sophus Lie - how a professor from Leipzig inspired "a calculation the size of Manhattan"
22.04.20 Andrea Malchiodi (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
Conformal metrics and prescription of scalar curvature
12.02.20 Anja Sturm (Universität Göttingen, Germany)
Recursive tree processes and mean-field limits of interacting particle systems
12.02.20 Nathanael Berestycki (Universität Wien, Austria)
Picking a surface, uniformly at random
15.01.20 Martin Hairer (Imperial College London)
Geometric Stochastic PDEs
04.12.19 Yann Brenier (Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz, Paris)
From hyperbolic to parabolic PDEs by quadratic change of time with applications to fluid mechanics and geometry
30.10.19 Gergely Harcos (Rényi-Institut, Budapest)
A Minkowski-type result for linearly independent subsets of ideal lattices
30.10.19 Mikolaj Fraczyk (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and Rényi-Institut, Budapest)
How does the volume control the topology of locally symmetric spaces?
03.07.19 Petra Schwer (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)
What is a building and why do we care?
09.01.19 Daniel Huybrechts (University of Bonn)
K3 surfaces versus cubics
10.01.18 Philippe LeFloch (Sorbonne Université and CNRS)
Recent advances on massive matter flows and the Einstein-Euler equations
24.05.17 Jan Kristensen (Oxford University, United Kingdom)
The problem of regularity in the Calculus of Variations
17.05.17 Michael Baake (Universität Bielefeld)
Dynamical systems of number-theoretic origin in the theory of aperiodic order
18.01.17 Tadashi Tokieda (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
A world from a sheet of paper
14.12.16 Bernd Sturmfels (University of California, Berkeley + MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Tensors and their Eigenvectors
26.10.16 Zoltán Sasvári (TU Dresden)
Spektraltheorie von zufälligen Feldern mit stationären Zuwächsen
12.10.16 Eitan Tadmor (University of Maryland and ETH-Institute for Theoretical Studies)
Collective dynamics: emergence of consensus and social hydrodynamics
18.05.16 Eldar Straume
On the collaboration of Felix Klein and Sophus Lie in the early 1870's, seen in the light of Klein's letters to Lie
13.05.15 Charles Doering (University of Michigan)
Convection, Stability and Turbulence