Andrés M. Bran et al.
The six stages of the convergence of the periodic system to its final structure
Viacheslav Shibaev et al.
Quick estimate of information decomposition for text style transfer
Emil Saucan et al.
Coarse geometric kernels for networks embedding
Maria Alejandra Ramirez et al.
Diversity enables the jump towards cooperation for the Traveler's Dilemma
Haim Cohen et al.
Local detour centrality : a novel local centrality measure for weighted networks
Masud Ehsani et al.
Scale free avalanches in excitatory-inhibitory populations of spiking neurons with conductance based synaptic currents
Jürgen Jost et al.
Self organized criticality in a mesoscopic model of excitatory-inhibitory neuronal populations by short-term and long-term synaptic plasticity
Yaoting Gui et al.
Subelliptic harmonic maps with values in metric spaces of nonpositive curvature
Jürgen Jost et al.
Geometric analysis of the Yang-Mills-Higgs-Dirac model
Haim Cohen et al.
A path-curvature measure for word-based strategy searches in semantic networks
Jürgen Jost et al.
Geometric algebra for sets with betweenness relations
Pavithra Elumalai et al.
Graph Ricci curvatures reveal atypical functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder
Raffaella Mulas et al.
Random walks and Laplacians on hypergraphs : When do they match?
Tobias Böhle et al.
Coupled hypergraph maps and chaotic cluster synchronization
Jürgen Jost et al.
A mixed elliptic-parabolic boundary value problem coupling a harmonic-like map with a nonlinear spinor
Jürgen Jost
Leibniz and modern physics
Jürgen Jost et al.
\(p\)-Laplace operators for oriented hypergraphs
Wilmer Leal et al.
Forman-Ricci curvature for hypergraphs
Emil Saucan et al.
A simple differential geometry for complex networks
Jürgen Jost
Information theory and consciousness
Jürgen Jost et al.
Short-time existence of the \(\alpha\)-Dirac-harmonic map flow and applications
Amirhossein Farzam et al.
Degree difference : a simple measure to characterize structural heterogeneity in complex networks
Florio M. Ciaglia et al.
Differential geometric aspects of parametric estimation theory for states on finite-dimensional \(C^{\star}\)-algebras
Jürgen Jost
Biological information
Marisol Bermúdez Montaña et al.
China's rise in the chemical space and the decline of US influence
Florio M. Ciaglia et al.
A coadjoint orbit-like construction for Jordan superalgebras
Jürgen Jost et al.
Boundary partial regularity for a class of Dirac-harmonic maps
Wanjun Ai et al.
Variational aspects of the generalized Seiberg-Witten functional
Renan Assimos et al.
Lipschitz regularity of sub-elliptic harmonic maps into CAT(0) spaces
Lukas Barth et al.
Fuzzy simplicial sets and their application to geometric data analysis
Lukas Barth et al.
IsUMap : manifold learning and data visualization leveraging Vietoris-Rips filtrations
Florio M. Ciaglia et al.
Parametric models and information geometry on W*-algebras
Qi Ding et al.
Boundary regularity for minimal graphs and mean curvature flows with higher codimension
Qi Ding et al.
Minimal graphs of arbitrary codimension in Euclidean space with bounded 2-dilation
Marzieh Eidi et al.
Floer homology : from generalized Morse-Smale dynamical systems to forman's combinatorial vector fields
Angel Alejandro García-Chung et al.
Chemically inspired Erdös-Rényi oriented hypergraphs