Unser Sofja-Kovalevskaja-Forschungsgruppenleiter Dr. Matteo Smerlak, wurde von der Human Frontier Sciences Program Organization (HFSPO) mit einem der renommierten Young Investigators Grants ausgezei
Dr. Matteo Smerlak mit Human Frontiers Science Grant ausgezeichnet
Veröffentlicht am 11.04.2019
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Wissenschaftlicher Kontakt
A new data-driven approach to a more sophisticated and detailed investigation of the history of chemistry is presented by a research team from MPI MiS and the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinforma
To the Very Core of Chemistry
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Chemical research unveils the structure of chemical space, spanned by all chemical species. Its exploration is documented since more than 200 years in literature and databases. Very little is known,
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Redaktioneller Kontakt