Kodaira classification of the moduli of hyperelliptic curves
- Ignacio Barros (Universität Paderborn)
We study the birational geometry of the moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves with marked points. We show that these moduli spaces have non Q-factorial singularities forcing us to work with a better birational model provided by Hurwitz spaces. We finish the Kodaira classification by proving that these spaces are of intermediate type when the number of markings is 4g + 6 and of general type when the number of markings is n ≥ 4g+7. Similarly, we consider the natural finite cover given by ordering the Weierstrass points. In this case, we show that the Kodaira dimension is one when n = 4 and of general type when n ≥ 5. For this, we carry out a singularity analysis of ordered and unordered pointed Hurwitz spaces. We show that the ordered space has canonical singularities and the unordered space has non-canonical singularities. We describe all non-canonical points and show that pluricanonical forms defined on the full regular locus extend to any resolution. Further, we provide a full classification of the structure of the pseudo-effective cone of Cartier divisors for the moduli space of hyperelliptic curves with marked points. We show the cone is non-polyhedral when the number of markings is at least two and polyhedral in the remaining cases.
This is joint work with Scott Mullane.