

From regular conferences and themed meetings to workshops and seasonal schools, we organize a diverse portfolio of events to deepen your understanding and engage with the scientific community.

Upcoming Conferences

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Tuesday, 20.01.26 Recent Developments on Lattice Polytopes in Leipzig
Monday, 06.10.25 Chow Lectures
Monday, 23.06.25 SLMath Summer School: New perspectives on discriminants and their applications
Monday, 16.06.25 Developments in the Mathematical Sciences - DIMS 2025
Wednesday, 11.06.25 Queer in Math Day 2025
Monday, 02.06.25 The 11th Conference of the Fachgruppe Computeralgebra
Monday, 02.06.25 Summer School on Dynamics and geometry in dimension 1, 2 and 3
Tuesday, 08.04.25 Workshop "Biology and Geometry"
Monday, 07.04.25 13th edition of Young Geometric Group Theory (YGGT)
Monday, 31.03.25 Geometry at Infinity
Wednesday, 19.03.25 Combinatorial Synergies East
Monday, 17.03.25 Vom Beweis zum Bibliotheksregal - Workshop rund um Forschungsdatenmanagement für die Mathematik
Friday, 14.03.25 Math4AI/AI4Math Workshop
07.02.25 Nonlinear Algebra meets Quantum Chemistry
25.11.24 Macaulay2 in the Sciences
11.11.24 Political Narratives in Public Discourse: Theory, Detection, and Impact
30.10.24 1st MPI (Dresden + Leipzig) day
18.10.24 Dresden-Leipzig AG seminar day
07.10.24 20 years of Anosov representations
30.09.24 IMPRS Combo III
26.09.24 Discrete Mathematics and Biology: the legacy of Andreas Dress
24.09.24 Wachspress Geometry
16.09.24 Workshop on geometric infinite surfaces
02.09.24 Summer School on Mathematics of Geophysical Flows
26.08.24 Workshop on liquid thin films
29.07.24 MEGA 2024
15.07.24 Summer School in Algebraic Combinatorics
06.06.24 Queer in Math Day
22.05.24 IMPRS Combo II
13.05.24 Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry from Physics
08.05.24 Career Breakfast
03.05.24 n Cities seminar
24.04.24 Discrete and Continuous Structures in Mathematics
29.02.24 Math & AI Day
12.02.24 Positive Geometry in Particle Physics and Cosmology
31.01.24 Symplectic geometry of representation and quiver varieties
23.01.24 Multidisciplinary approaches to the history of chemistry
05.12.23 Mathematics in Biology Day
13.11.23 Workshop on Geometry and Machine Learning
08.11.23 IMPRS Combo 1
07.11.23 Geometry meets Algebra day
16.10.23 Chow Lectures 2023
09.10.23 Maths meets information specialists
16.09.23 Quantum Entanglement - Science & Music Open Air
24.07.23 Summer School on the History of Space in Mathematics and Physics
15.07.23 32nd Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2023)
26.06.23 Shocking Developments: New Directions in Compressible and Incompressible Flows - A Conference in Honor of Alexis Vasseur’s 50th Birthday
23.06.23 Graph Neural Networks Mini Meeting at MPI MiS
14.06.23 Mirror symmetry and tropical geometry reading group
12.06.23 MSRI-MPI Leipzig Summer Graduate School on Algebraic Methods for Biochemical Reaction Networks
07.06.23 Let’s get \(\mathbb{R}\)eal
06.06.23 MathRepo: Data for and from your Research
17.05.23 Mirror symmetry and tropical geometry reading group
10.05.23 Summer School on PDEs and Randomness
05.05.23 A Hypergeometric Day
28.04.23 Dresden Leipzig Seminar Algebra and Geometry
14.04.23 Women in Mathematical Relativity
12.04.23 Statistics of Shapes and Geometry of Shape Spaces
03.04.23 Solving hard polynomial systems
27.03.23 PDE tasting - An invitation to some current problems in mathematical fluid mechanics
21.03.23 Social Media for Democracy (SoMe4Dem)
17.03.23 Applications of Tropical Geometry in Leipzig-Berlin
14.03.23 Mathenacht aus Bonn und Leipzig - in ihrem Wohnzimmer - oder wo immer Sie wollen!
13.03.23 Research Data in Discrete Mathematics
20.02.23 Research school on “Machine learning and rough path theory for sequential data analysis”
13.02.23 Spring School on Geometric Methods in Data Science
01.02.23 Workshop on partial differential equations related to calculus of variations, probability, and fluid dynamics
27.01.23 Online workshop on geometry, topology, and their applications
13.12.22 Macaulay2 Bootcamp
28.11.22 Pfaffians, Tensors, and Applications
07.11.22 Moduli Day
26.09.22 An Afternoon on Optimization
09.08.22 Leipzig-Magdeburg seminar day
08.08.22 Workshop on Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, and Machine Learning
03.08.22 StuKon 22 - die DMV Studierendenkonferenz
06.06.22 Workshop on Differential Algebra
16.05.22 Mathematical Concepts in the Sciences and Humanities
06.05.22 A day on K3 surfaces
28.04.22 Two Questions About Mathematical Software
04.04.22 IMPRS Day
28.03.22 Special Colloquium Day in honor of Bernd Sturmfels' 60th birthday
15.03.22 Leipzig Lectures on Theta - Replacement
10.03.22 Feynman integrals and nonlinear algebra
25.11.21 Mini-Workshop on Curves and Riemann Surfaces
02.11.21 MaRDI Kickoff Workshop
24.10.21 Geometry & Learning from Data (Online)
01.10.21 Mathematics in the Sciences Day
28.09.21 Hierarchical Numerical Methods for PDEs
20.09.21 Kickoff Workshop for the Emmy-Noether Research Group “Numerical and Probabilistic Nonlinear Algebra”
30.08.21 Branching from number theory: p-adics in the sciences
04.08.21 Conference on Mathematics of Machine Learning
05.07.21 Minicourse on Convex Geometry
07.06.21 ODYCCEUS Online Conference - The Computational Analysis of Cultural Conflict
31.05.21 Workshop on Software and Applications of Numerical Nonlinear Algebra
06.04.21 (Polytop)ics: Recent advances on polytopes
22.03.21 Computational approaches to the history of chemistry
26.02.21 An Afternoon on Analysis and Geometry
11.01.21 Developments in the Mathematical Sciences 2020/2021
26.10.20 Observing debates across media platforms: tools and models - an ODYCCEUS online event
19.10.20 Koszul Duality & Operads
10.09.20 GAMM AG Workshop Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science
11.08.20 Geometry of curves in time series and shape analysis
21.07.20 Online Minisymposium on Low-rank Geometry and Computation
24.01.20 11th polymake conference and developer meeting
17.01.20 n Cities seminar
03.12.19 Mathematical Software Day
25.11.19 Developments in the Mathematical Sciences (DIMS) 2019
11.11.19 Buildings, Varieties, and Applications
05.11.19 Perspectives in Mathematical Biology
28.10.19 European Women in Mathematics (EWM) - German Chapter Conference 2019
09.09.19 Convexity Day
03.09.19 Computing with D-Modules II
02.09.19 Data Day
26.08.19 First Berlin - Leipzig Workshop on Fluctuating Hydrodynamics
09.08.19 Computing with D-Modules
01.07.19 Summer School on Randomness and Learning in Non-Linear Algebra
03.06.19 Material theories, statistical mechanics, and geometric analysis: A conference in honor of Stephan Luckhaus' 66th birthday
15.05.19 Otto-Sturmfels Meeting
02.05.19 Financial Risks
01.04.19 Low-rank Optimization and Applications
28.03.19 Tensormeeting
27.03.19 Deep Learning Theory Kickoff Meeting
18.02.19 Graduate Student Meeting on Applied Algebra and Combinatorics
30.01.19 Complexity: On the Way to Mathematical Foundations of Organization Science
16.01.19 Berlin-Leipzig workshop in analysis and stochastics
14.01.19 MPI-INF and MPI-MiS joint workshop on Theoretical Computer Science and Algebraic Geometry
08.11.18 NoGAGS 2018 - North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar 2018
05.11.18 Chow Lectures 2018 by Peter Scholze
01.10.18 Progress and Visions in Quantum Theory in View of Gravity - Bridging foundations of physics and mathematics
18.09.18 D-Modules in Algebra and Geometry
10.09.18 Inverse and Spectral Problems for (Non)-Local Operators
13.08.18 Summer School on Numerical Computing in Algebraic Geometry
09.07.18 A Tropical Panorama
02.07.18 Summer School on the Foundations of Geometry in Historical Perspective
19.06.18 1st ODYCCEUS conference on Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in European Space
04.06.18 Macaulay2 Workshop 2018
23.05.18 Combinatorics Day
09.04.18 Math Bio Day
26.03.18 The Ninth International Conference on Guided Self-Organisation (GSO-2018) - Information Geometry and Statistical Physics
19.02.18 TAGS - Linking Topology to Algebraic Geometry and Statistics
12.02.18 Optimization Day
11.12.17 Open Source Computer Algebra Research (OSCAR)
29.11.17 Berlin-Leipzig workshop in analysis and stochastics
17.11.17 Mitteldeutscher Stochastik Workshop
10.11.17 2nd Algebraic Statistics Day
06.10.17 Conference in memoriam of EBERHARD ZEIDLER (1940-2016)
12.09.17 Morphological Computation
03.07.17 Reading Group on Real Algebraic Geometry
23.06.17 LQP 40 Foundations and Constructive Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
27.05.17 Interactions between algebra and the sciences
22.05.17 Chow Lectures 2017
17.01.17 Microfoundations of Expectations: The Role of Emotions in the Anticipation of Aggregate Outcomes of Human Interaction
10.01.17 Workshop on Non-Linear Algebra
12.12.16 Tensors: Algebra meets Numerics
14.11.16 Leibniz and the Sciences
07.07.16 Leibniz-Sommerschule
13.06.16 Information Geometry and its Applications IV
13.04.16 Berlin-Leipzig workshop in analysis and stochastics
20.07.15 From Grain Boundaries to Stochastic Homogenization: PIRE Workshop
15.06.15 Geometric Analysis, Free Boundary Problems and Measure Theory
13.04.15 Causality in the language sciences
01.09.14 Autonomous Learning: Summer School 2014
30.06.14 The Science of Space: Geometry and Metaphysics in Leibniz
26.03.14 CAKE: Curvature - Applications - Knots - Energies
24.02.14 Winter School on Hierarchical Matrices
22.01.14 Decision-Making in a World of Incomplete and Evolving Knowledge
07.01.14 Conference on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
14.12.13 IMPRS Workshop
28.10.13 Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing: A conference in honor of Wolfgang Hackbusch's 65th birthday
28.08.13 Summer School on Phylogenetic Combinatorics
26.08.13 International Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Biology
09.07.13 Random Perturbations and Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems
27.06.13 Stochastics day
24.06.13 Emerging structures in Analysis and Probability: A conference in honor of Stephan Luckhaus' 60th birthday
29.04.13 Emerging Trends in Probability Theory
27.02.13 Conceptual and Mathematical Foundations of Embodied Intelligence
21.01.13 29th GAMM-Seminar Leipzig on Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Quantification
29.11.12 IMPRS Workshop
04.10.12 Symposion on Money Value and Capital Transfers
23.01.12 Rigorous Theories of Business Strategies in a World of Evolving Knowledge
05.07.11 Combinatorial Methods in Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra
26.05.11 High throughput approaches to RNA [secondary] structure
26.04.11 Spring School on "Limits of finite graphs"
09.03.11 Computational Methods in Multi-dimensional Applications
16.12.10 Workshop "Die Rolle von Determinismus und Realismus in der modernen Physik"
09.12.10 5th CNRS-MPG joint workshop on Systems Biology
25.11.10 Halbjährliches Netzwerk-Treffen Berlin-Dresden-Göttingen-Leipzig
07.10.10 In honor of Eberhard Zeidler on the occasion of his 70th birthday
04.10.10 Multi-scale dynamics and evolvability of biological networks
02.08.10 Information Geometry and its Applications III
16.07.10 Quantum Information and Quantum Entanglement
31.05.10 Minischool on Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Computing
03.05.10 Tensor Methods in Multi-Dimensional Boundary-Value and Spectral Problems
08.03.10 Winterschool on Hierarchical Matrices
22.02.10 26th GAMM-Seminar Leipzig on Tensor Approximations and High-Dimensional Problems
23.11.09 4th CNRS-MPG joint workshop on Systems Biology
10.10.09 Challenges in experimental data integration within genome-scale metabolic models
07.09.09 Fall School on Statistical Mechanics and 5th Annual PhD Student Conference in Probability
23.08.09 Workshop on Phase Transitions
18.08.09 The Second International Workshop on Guided Self-Organisation (GSO-2009)
23.07.09 Geometric Analysis and Riemannian Geometry
06.03.09 Workshop on Networks, Dynamics, and Biology
02.03.09 Winterschool on Hierarchical Matrices
29.01.09 Analysis of Stochastic Surface Evolution - From Microscopic Models to Large Scale Behaviour
15.12.08 International Symposium on Scientific Computing: Complexity, Algorithms and Applications
29.09.08 Workshop on Phase Transitions
30.07.08 8th German Workshop on Artificial Life (GWAL-8)
17.03.08 Winterschool on Hierarchical Matrices
13.03.08 Geometric Aspects of Conditional Independence and Information
25.01.08 24th GAMM-Seminar Leipzig on Tensor Decompositions
31.10.07 Microscopic Origins of Dissipation and Noise
12.10.07 Workshop on Complexity and Information Theory
20.07.07 Recent Developments in Quantum Field Theory
15.06.07 Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity and Applications
17.05.07 Analysis and Stochastics in Quantum Many-Body Systems
24.04.07 Concepts of intervention for system identification and robustness studies
05.02.07 Motives in Relation to Mathematical Physics
25.01.07 23rd GAMM-Seminar Leipzig on Integral equation methods for high-frequency scattering problems
29.10.06 Information Dynamics in Networks
25.09.06 Hopf Algebras, Combinatorics, and Quantum Field Theory
06.07.06 Workshop on "Information Theory, Neurobiology and Cognition"
29.06.06 Transformation Groups in Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry
31.05.06 Research Workshop: Riemann Surfaces - Analytical and Numerical Methods
25.05.06 Stochastic and atomistic aspects of elasticity
21.01.06 Workshop on Geometry and Computation
19.01.06 22nd GAMM-Seminar Leipzig on Large Scale Eigenvalue Computations
05.10.05 International Symposium on Mathematical Sciences
03.10.05 Geodesic Flow and Periodic Orbits
03.10.05 Quantum Fields, Gravity and Non-Commutative Geometry
11.09.05 Workshop on Random Interfaces and Directed Polymers
28.07.05 Workshop on Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Quantum Gravity
20.06.05 Mini-Workshop on renormalization and number theory
05.06.05 Workshop on "Cell Biology, Fluorescence Microscopy, and Geometry"
23.05.05 Period of Concentration - Stochastic climate models
09.05.05 Period of Concentration - Metastability, ageing, and anomalous diffusion
05.05.05 Workshop on Continuous Diversity, Complex Mixtures and Applications
20.04.05 Workshop Stochastic Analysis and Applications in Finance
18.04.05 Multiscale Modeling in Biology
21.03.05 Workshop on Mean Curvature Flow and related topics
07.02.05 Winterschool on Hierarchical Matrices
07.02.05 Period of Concentration - Stochastic models for materials
11.01.05 Mini-Workshop on "Functional Structures in Networks"
25.11.04 Prospects in Geometry 2004
26.10.04 Multi-scale modelling and characterisation for phase transformations in advanced materials
18.10.04 Berlin Leipzig Seminar Autumn 2004: Analysis/probability theory
05.10.04 Workshop with the Partner Group from Beijing
30.09.04 Workshop on "Real and Virtual Architectures of Molecules and Crystals"
25.08.04 Workshop on Geometry, Topology and Field Theory
06.07.04 Quantenfeldtheorie und Gravitation
23.05.04 Phylogenetic gathering
09.02.04 Kolloquium 'Mathematical Models for Materials'
01.02.04 Mathematical aspects of material science - Discrete and continuum descriptions of matter
21.10.03 Special Day on Mathematical Biology in honor of Hans Othmer on the occasion of his 60th Birthday
05.10.03 Reaction, Diffusion and Transport in Inhomogeneous and Stochastic Media
27.08.03 Mini-Workshop: Information Geometry 2003
26.03.03 New developments in mirror symmetry
23.01.03 19th GAMM-Seminar Leipzig on High-dimensional problems - Numerical treatment and applications
29.11.02 Workshop on Interfaces and Singularly Perturbed Interface Evolutions
28.11.02 Prospects in Geometry 2002
14.11.02 Quasiconvexity and its applications
13.11.02 Workshop on numerical methods for multiscale problems
27.10.02 Mathematical Aspects of Material Science: Soft Matter
07.10.02 Workshop on Aspects of shock wave theory
26.04.02 Bayrischzell Workshop
24.01.02 18th GAMM-Seminar Leipzig on Multigrid and related methods for optimization problems
09.10.01 Magnetic Microstructures 01
25.09.01 Noncommutative Geometry, Strings and Renormalization
17.09.01 Genes, Cells, Populations - Mathematics and Biology
18.06.01 Geometric Analysis and the Calculus of Variations in honor of Stefan Hildebrandt on the occasion of his 65th birthday
31.05.01 Symposium "In memoriam Jürgen Moser"
14.05.01 Complexity Science in Eastern Europe
20.04.01 Südostdeutsches Kolloquium zur Numerischen Mathematik
30.03.01 Non-commutative Yang-Mills Theories
09.03.01 State of the Art and Perspectives of Biomathematics
18.02.01 Variational methods beyond the elastic threshold
16.02.01 Beyond Elasticity - A two-week concentration period on the mechanics of complex solids
27.01.01 Unkonventionelle bildgebende Verfahren: von den Rohdaten zum Bild
19.01.01 In memory of Professor Erich Kähler
02.11.00 Prospects in Geometry 2000
22.07.00 Euroconference on New Mathematical Methods in Continuum Mechanics
06.06.00 Nonlinear Hyperbolicity and Shock Waves in Mathematical Theory and Physical Models
19.05.00 Schloeßmann Seminar on Mathematical Models in Biology, Chemistry and Physics
28.04.00 Phase Transitions in Crystalline Solids - TMR conference
28.04.00 Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Quantum groups
30.01.00 Complex Interacting Particle Systems in Mathematics, Biology and Physics
18.11.99 Prospects in Geometry 1999
30.07.99 Qualitative Behavior of Biological Systems
08.07.99 100 Years After Sophus Lie
17.05.99 Workshop Analysis von Mikrostrukturen
10.03.99 Workshop on physical and mathematical aspects of string theory
20.02.99 Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Quantum Theory and Statistical Physics
18.01.99 International Conference on Infinite Dimensional (Stochastic) Analysis and Quantum Physics
19.11.98 Prospects in Geometry 1998
12.10.98 Workshop on Magnetic microstructures
16.07.98 Poly Day - An informal one-day workshop on polymeric materials
19.06.98 Interdisciplinary symposium: "Mathematics in the Sciences" in memoriam Walter Andrejewski
07.06.98 Quantum Field Theory and the Calculus of Variations
15.04.98 Workshop on Turbulence and Renormalization
11.02.98 Symposium: "Symplektische und Riemannsche Geometrie"
20.11.97 Prospects in Geometry 1997
08.10.97 Multiscale II: analysis and efficient simulation of multiscale problems.
16.09.97 Forschungsforum 1997
20.07.97 Microstructure and nonlinear partial differential equations
21.11.96 Prospects in Geometry 1996