MPI MiS and its various research groups run a vast array of seminar series, both on a regular and sporadic schedule. These series are often thematically focused, oriented around a research group, or simply an eclectic collection of talks.
Use the entry doors Kreuzstr. 7a (rooms A3 01, A3 02) and Kreustr. 7c (rooms G3 10, G2 01), both in the inner court yard, and go to the 3rd. floor (see the map). To reach the Leibniz-Saal (E1 05) use the main entry Inselstr. 22 and go to the 1st. floor.
Please note: The doors will be opened 15 minutes before the event starts and closed after beginning of the event!
Wednesday, 12.03.25 | Mini-course of the Mathematics Lab |
Monday, 10.02.25 | Minicourse Cohomology and integration |
Thursday, 30.01.25 | General Relativity |
Wednesday, 22.01.25 | Seminar on Nonlinear Algebra |
Friday, 17.01.25 | Reading Group on Canonical Forms and Mixed Hodge Structures |
Thursday, 16.01.25 | Oberseminar Analysis |
Thursday, 16.01.25 | Math Machine Learning seminar MPI MIS + UCLA |
Thursday, 16.01.25 | Positive Geometry Seminar |
Tuesday, 14.01.25 | OS Analysis-Probability |
Tuesday, 14.01.25 | Geometry Seminar |
13.01.25 | AG Analysis-Probability |
25.09.24 | Universe+ Online Seminar |
21.05.24 | Group Meeting |
10.05.24 | Mathematical Methods in Data Science |
22.03.24 | MiS Mathematics Lab Seminar |
22.03.24 | Reading group on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra |
21.02.24 | Meeting on Renormalization |
11.12.23 | Mathematical Structures in Physics Seminar |
24.11.23 | Mathematics Lab Meeting |
23.11.23 | Geometric Invariant Theory and Nonabelian Hodge Correspondence Reading Seminar |
21.11.23 | Lectures on positive geometry |
01.11.23 | Mathematics Visualization and Recreational Mathematics |
19.06.23 | Anomalous Dissipation and the Strong Onsager Conjecture |
14.04.23 | Number theory meets tropical geometry |
07.04.23 | Informal Seminar |
06.04.23 | Reading Group in Algebraic Statistics |
30.03.23 | Reading Group Bakry Gentil Ledoux |
02.03.23 | mathXplorers |
22.02.23 | Reading Group on Hilbert Schemes |
16.01.23 | Algebraic Statistics Seminar |
08.12.22 | Seminar on Algebra and Combinatorics |
10.11.22 | Special Combinatorics Seminar |
03.11.22 | Seminar Algebra and Combinatorics |
07.10.22 | Stochastic Topology and its Applications Seminar |
26.09.22 | Special Seminar on Optimization |
08.07.22 | Jahrestagung der Stiftung Benedictus Gotthelf Teubner |
07.07.22 | ICM 2022 Viewing Session |
22.06.22 | ICM 2022 preparatory lecture |
17.06.22 | Mathematical Software Seminar |
13.06.22 | GIT Reading Group |
19.05.22 | SAXAG seminar |
05.05.22 | Vista seminar on reusability of research data across mathematics |
23.03.22 | MPG-Veranstaltung |
24.02.22 | AlToGeLiS |
09.08.21 | Numerical Algebra and Optimization Seminar |
09.06.21 | Emmy Noether Seminar |
22.04.21 | Leipzig seminar on Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Topology |
31.08.20 | MathChem Seminar |
09.07.20 | Webinar Analysis, Quantum Fields & Probability |
08.05.20 | Math Machine Learning Group Seminar |
09.04.20 | Deep Learning Theory Group Seminar |
01.04.20 | Machine Learning Online Seminar |
17.03.20 | Nonlinear Algebra Seminar Online (NASO) |
09.01.20 | ERC seminar |
21.11.19 | Minicourse Structure of Evolution |
04.11.19 | Reading Seminar |
23.07.19 | Deep Learning Summer Seminar |
20.06.19 | Odycceus Meeting |
07.01.19 | Seminar Structure of Evolution |
24.04.18 | Mathematics of Data Seminar |
10.01.18 | Hauptseminar |
09.11.17 | Analysis Seminar |
16.10.17 | Coffee Lectures |
31.05.17 | Felix-Klein Lecture Series |
10.05.17 | Information Geometry Seminar |
15.02.17 | Reading Group on High dimensional algebraic geometry |
13.02.17 | LikBez-Seminar |
19.10.16 | Defense |
03.12.15 | New Faces Seminar |
03.03.15 | Institutsveranstaltung |
19.01.15 | Seminar on Theory of Embodied Intelligence |
08.07.14 | Game Theory Seminar |
26.02.14 | Ergodic Theory ... Seminar |
07.01.14 | What-Is-Seminar |
02.12.13 | Seminar Nihat Ay |
02.10.13 | Working Seminar VARIOGEO |
06.02.13 | Lecture advertisement session |
14.12.12 | Seminar INFORMATION THEORY |
18.07.12 | IMPRS Ringvorlesung |
06.07.12 | IMPRS Workshop |
28.06.12 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geometric Measure Theory |
20.06.11 | Networks Seminar |
24.03.11 | IMPRS |
08.02.11 | Mini-course |
04.11.10 | Interview |
11.05.10 | Dynamical Systems Seminar |
04.06.09 | Oberseminar ANALYSIS-OPTIMIERUNG |
16.10.08 | Ladyzhenskaya-Vorlesung Leipzig |
14.10.08 | Systemtheorie und Modellierung |
16.09.08 | Complex Networks Seminar |
25.06.08 | Leipziger Gespräche zur Mathematik |
08.05.08 | Model Selection Day |
11.04.07 | Seminar DYNAMISCHE SYSTEME |
24.11.06 | Workshop |
20.11.06 | Oberseminar Statistical Mechanics |
12.04.06 | Group Seminar |
27.02.06 | Mathematical Statistical Mechanics |
07.12.05 | Mini-Workshop on Capillarity |
31.10.05 | Seminar Statistical Mechanics |
20.07.05 | Lecture series on Seiberg-Witten Gauge Theory |
24.02.05 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft DYNAMISCHE NETZWERKE |
08.11.04 | Lecture series |
18.10.04 | Berlin Leipzig Seminar |
26.07.04 | Seminar Dynamical networks |
15.07.04 | Minisymposium KREDITRISIKOMODELLIERUNG |
29.04.04 | Oberseminar |
21.11.03 | Oberseminar STOCHASTIK |
23.10.03 | Oberseminar NUMERIK-OPTIMIERUNG |
04.09.03 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Netzwerke und komplexe Systeme |
26.05.03 | Doktorandenseminar |
25.01.03 | Summer School on Capillarity |
05.12.02 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft über NETZWERKDYNAMIKEN |
26.11.02 | 2-City Geometry Seminar |
26.09.02 | Seminar |
20.02.02 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft NUMERIK |
11.02.02 | Complex Systems Seminar |
04.02.02 | Informal Seminar |
17.05.01 | Oberseminar Stochastik-Analysis Berlin-Leipzig |
21.11.00 | Seminar Quantenfeldtheorie, Uni Leipzig |
30.06.00 | Working Seminar PDE |
08.05.00 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft KOMPLEXE SYSTEME |
04.05.00 | Oberseminar OPTIMIERUNG |
12.04.00 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft NEURONALE NETZE UND KOGNITIVE SYSTEME |
07.12.98 | Oberseminar MATERIALS |
24.11.98 | Special Seminar GEOMETRIE |
12.11.98 | Sophus-Lie-Gastvorlesung |
10.11.98 | Oberseminar IMAGE ANALYSIS |
20.04.98 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft DYNAMISCHE SYSTEME |
16.03.98 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft GEOMETRIE |
04.02.98 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft NEURONALE NETZE |
02.12.96 | Special Lecture |
21.11.96 | Prospects in Geometry |
18.11.96 | Oberseminar MATHEMATISCHE PHYSIK |
07.11.96 | Oberseminar GEOMETRIE |
29.10.96 | Special Seminar ANALYSIS |