

The twisted descent algebra and related Hopf algebras

  • Manfred Schocker (University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom)
G3 10 (Lecture hall)


I am going to report on joint work with Frederic Patras on the (free) twisted descent algebra. It has basis indexed by set compositions. Such set compositions are in 1-1 correspondence with monomials in non-commuting variables, with increasing trees, with faces of permutahedra, etc. These combinatorial correspondences extend to the level of Hopf algebras and provide links to the work of various authors during the past years, including Bergeron/Zabrocki, Chapoton and Novelli/Thibon.

Bertfried Fauser

Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Contact via Mail

Regine Lübke

Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Contact via Mail

Bertfried Fauser

Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften

Alessandra Frabetti

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Frank Sottile

Texas A&M University (TAMU)