for information about Leipzig or your future stay at our institute please don't hesitate to contact our guest program manager, Mrs. Heike Rackwitz.
She will be happy to answer all your questions concerning your relocation to Germany (e.g. visa or residence permits, registration, finding suitable accommodation, opening of bank account or anything else connected to your stay) and helps you to get settled in Leipzig quickly..
For general information about living and working in Germany please refer to our Guide for International Scientists at Max Planck Institutes that can be downloaded from the webpage of the Max Planck Society. The German Federal Government runs the webpage Make it in Germany which is a treasure trove of information about living and working in Germany. Another excellent source of knowledge in all matters related to researchers' mobility is the EURAXESS web portal.
You've never been to Leipzig before? Click on the video below and experience the Leipzig Emotion.
New in town?
If you think about relocating to Leipzig or have already arrived please check out our webpage that has been developed specifically for researchers. It could be quite handy to get started and provides lots of useful documents in the download section as for instance a comprehensive Guide to Public Authorities helping you to navigate your first steps around Leipzig's offices and authorities.
Still having questions? Check out the FAQ section of this webpage. Maybe your question has already been answered.