
The Tensormeeting is an informal event that aims to bring together mathematicians from different fields of research that are interested in tensors, their analysis, and their applications.

While it has mostly taken place at TU Braunschweig in recent years, it will be held at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig this year in order to broaden its horizon and to include researchers from other fields.

We therefore invite everyone with an interest in tensors and encourage you to prepare a short introduction into your tensor related research and to join the subsequent discussions.

Note that the related workshop Low-rank Optimization and Applications will take place in the following week.

Scientific Organizers

Max Pfeffer

Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften

Administrative Contact

Saskia Gutzschebauch

Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Contact via Mail