

BPHZ Renormalisation in Regularity Structures via Spectral Gap

  • Rhys Steele (Imperial College London)
E1 05 (Leibniz-Saal)


A common thread in modern approaches to providing a solution theory to singular stochastic PDEs is that the probabilistic aspects of the problem are encoded in the construction of a random element of some nonlinear space of distributions. Once a realisation of this data is fixed, the remaining theory is then deterministic.

In this talk, we will discuss this probabilistic aspect within the framework of regularity structures (where the nonlinear data is known as a “model”). In this setting, it is highly non-obvious that typical driving noises for singular SPDEs yield suitable models and it is typically the case that some renormalisation procedure is needed.

The primary purpose of this talk will be to discuss a new approach to obtaining the necessary stochastic estimates in the setting of tree-based regularity structures via the spectral gap inequality, inspired by recent work of Linares, Otto, Tempelmayr and Tsatsoulis in the multi-index setting.

(Based on a joint work with Martin Hairer)

13.01.25 24.02.25

AG Analysis-Probability

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Live Stream

Katja Heid

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Upcoming Events of this Seminar

  • Thursday, 16.01.25 tba with André Considera
  • Tuesday, 18.02.25 tba with Xiaohao Ji
  • Tuesday, 18.02.25 tba with Theresa Lange
  • Monday, 24.02.25 tba with Jonas Hirsch