Moduli spaces, stability conditions and birational geometry
- Christian Lehn
This course introduces students with basic knowledge of algebraic geometry to the theory of moduli spaces of sheaves. While curves and surfaces may often be studied via explicit equations it becomes more and more difficult in higher dimensions to detect interesting geometric properties from equations. Moduli spaces of sheaves (or stable objects) are an important class of examples of higher dimensional algebraic varieties and their geometric properties are studied through the geometry of the objects they parametrize.
During the course we will encounter the following topics
- (semi-)stability of sheaves
- algebraic groups and geometric invariant theory
- derived and triangulated categories, Bridgeland stability
- birational geometry and wall-crossing
Many of the notions and techniques relevant to the theory of moduli spaces have already been introduced by Mumford in the late sixties. In the last twenty years moduli spaces have played an important role in mathematical theories coming from theoretical physics and in the light of the derived approach they have recently reentered the focus through the fascinating connection to birational geometry.
Date and time info
Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Moduli spaces, stable sheaves, geometric invariant theory, stability conditions, birational geometry, wall-crossing
Undergraduate course in algebraic geometry, e.g. scheme theory, divisors, line bundles, coherent sheaves. Also basic knowledge of (algebraic) topology would be helpful. Remarks: If necessary a small repetition of basics from algebraic geometry at the beginning is possible.
MSc students, PhD students, Postdocs