

PDE problems in thin filament hydrodynamics

  • Laurel Ohm (Princeton University, USA)
E1 05 (Leibniz-Saal)


Many fundamental biophysical processes, from cell division to cellular motility, involve dynamics of thin structures immersed in a very viscous fluid. Various popular models have been developed to describe this interaction mathematically, but much of our understanding of these models is only at the level of numerics and formal asymptotics. Here we seek to develop the PDE theory of filament hydrodynamics.

We first propose a PDE framework for analyzing the error introduced by slender body theory (SBT), a common approximation used to facilitate computational simulations of immersed filaments in 3D. Given data prescribed only along a 1D curve, we develop a novel type of boundary value problem and obtain an error estimate for SBT in terms of the fiber radius. This places slender body theory on firm theoretical footing.

We then consider other physically relevant scenarios in which the slender body PDE framework applies and shed light on the analysis of such problems.

Anne Dornfeld

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail

Dallas Albritton

Princeton University

Sam G. Krupa

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig

László Székelyhidi

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig