

Poster Session

Plenarsaal Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University (Bielefeld)


Unrolling versus bilevel optimization in the context of learning variational models

Niklas Breustedt
TU Braunschweig, Germany

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

Online Adaptive Learning in Energy Trading Stackelberg Games with Time-Coupling Constraints

Styliani Kampezidou
Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta), USA

An energy trading mechanism is proposed between a selfish energy broker (aggregator) and her selfish energy customers (prosumers). The proposed design is a Stackelberg game where the aggregator trades energy bidirectionally between the prosumers and the wholesale electricity market for profit. For the purpose of satisfying the prosumers' desired energy consumption, time-coupling constraints are introduced. The described game does not admit closed form equilibrium strategies and therefore an online adaptive learning algorithm is proposed to mitigate this challenge. The latter is scalable with the number of prosumers and does not require explicit knowledge of the prosumers' decision-making mechanisms. Experimental results that utilize real-world data from the California market are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach.

Taming neural networks with TUSLA: Non-convex learning via adaptive stochastic gradient Langevin algorithms

Iosif Lytras
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Joint work with Attila Lovas, Miklós Rásonyi and Sotirios Sabanis

Arxiv Url :

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

The geometry of discounted stationary distributions of Markov decision processes

Johannes Müller
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig), Germany

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

Investment Vs. reward in competitive games

Oren Neumann
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

PAC-Bayesian Estimation for High-Dimensional Multi-Index Regression with Unknown Active Dimension

Maximilian Steffen
Universität Hamburg, Germany

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

Adversarial Perturbation Stability of the Layered Group Basis Pursuit

David Szeghy
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) (Budapest), Hungary

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

On the Expected Complexity of Maxout Networks

Hanna Tseran
MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig), Germany

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

Parametrisation Independence of the Natural Gradient in Overparametrised Systems

Jesse van Oostrum
Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

Natural Reweighted Wake Sleep for Convolutional Networks

Csongor-Huba Varady
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MiS) in Leipzig., Germany

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

Lifted Bregman Networks

Xiaoyu Wang
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Please see the abstract as PDF file.

Applications of associative algebras in machine learning

Chia Zargeh
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Please see the abstract as PDF file.
04.08.21 07.08.21

Conference on Mathematics of Machine Learning

Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University Plenarsaal

Benjamin Gess

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences and Universität Bielefeld

Guido Montúfar

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences and UCLA

Nihat Ay

Hamburg University of Technology