Reading Group in Algebraic Statistics
- Eliana Duarte
- Ben Hollering
Algebraic Statistics studies and solves of problems in Statistical Data Analysis using tools from Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, Discrete Geometry and, numerical and symbolic computation. This is an active and exciting field of research that started almost three decades ago. The goal of this reading course is, in the first part, to establish a common language for statistics and algebra; in the second part we will focus on more advanced topics and current developments.
In the future months there will be many activities around Algebraic Statistics, these include the 3-Way-Interaction-Seminar, several Minisymposia at the SIAM AG23 Conference, and finally the semester long program Algebraic Statistics and Our Changing World at IMSI. Participants in this reading group will be set up for an enriched experience in attending any of the aforementioned events.
Date and time info
Thursdays at 1:30 pm
Algebraic Statistics, toric varieties, exponential families, graphical models, conditional independence
Masters and Phd Students, Postdocs
Remarks and notes
Lectures are given by participants in the course.