

  • Peter Smillie
  • Felix Otto
  • Daniel Roggenkamp
E2 10 (Leon-Lichtenstein)


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This term, the Ringvorlesung is offered by Peter Smillie, Felix Otto, and Daniel Roggenkamp. Topics of the three parts are:

Part I (Peter Smillie): Harmonic maps

Abstract: A map between Riemannian manifolds that minimizes (or is a stationary point for) total (Dirichlet) energy is called a harmonic map. This is about the most natural PDE arising in Riemannian geometry, and several ubiquitous ideas in geometric analysis were first discovered in the study of harmonic maps. They have found many applications outside of geometric analysis, including in algebraic geometry and manifold topology. And they remain a hot subject, for instance in the context of the non-abelian Hodge correspondence.

In these lectures, I will explain just enough differential geometry to prove some foundational existence, uniqueness, and rigidity theorems for harmonic maps, and then highlight some of their applications to other fields.

Part II (Felix Otto): Convection-Enhanced Diffusion

Part III (Daniel Roggenkamp): Defects and higher categorical structures in quantum field theories


01.10.24 31.01.25

Regular lectures Winter semester 2024-2025

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences / University of Leipzig see the lecture detail pages

Katharina Matschke

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail

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