Signal-to-interference ratio percolation for Cox point processes
- András Tóbiás (TU Berlin)
We study signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) percolation for Cox point processes, i.e., Poisson point processes with a random intensity measure. SINR percolation was first studied by Dousse et al. in the case of a two-dimensional Poisson point process. It is an infinite-range dependent version of continuum percolation where the connection between two points depends on the locations of all points of the point process. Continuum percolation for Cox point processes was recently studied by Hirsch, Jahnel and Cali.
We study the SINR graph model for a stationary Cox point process in two or higher dimensions. We show that under suitable moment or boundedness conditions on the path-loss function and the intensity measure, this graph has an infinite connected component if the spatial density of points is large enough and the interferences are sufficiently reduced (without vanishing). This holds if the intensity measure is asymptotically essentially connected, and also if the intensity measure is only stabilizing but the connection radius is large. A prominent example of the intensity measure is the two-dimensional Poisson--Voronoi tessellation. We show that its total edge length in a given disk has all exponential moments. We conclude that its SINR graph has an infinite cluster if the path-loss function is bounded and has a power-law decay of exponent at least 3.