

Some Application of Generalized Stability Theory to Climate Dynamics I

  • Brian Farrell (Harvard University)
A3 01 (Sophus-Lie room)


These lectures review a set of ideas and approaches to climate theory based broadly on stochastic methods and specifically on the non-normality of the linear system underlying perturbation dynamics in both certain and uncertain systems. Because the term non-normal is imprecise in its connotation, the term Generalized Stability Theory is used for this approach. Areas to be covered are i) The concept of stability of a statistical quantity with application to sensitivity of storm track statistics. ii) The concept of stability of uncertain systems with application to climate forecast. iii) The concept of structural stability of turbulent systems with application to jet vacillation. iv) The concept of the intrinsic non-normality of time dependent systems with application to the statistical stability of dynamical systems.

Katja Bieling

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig Contact via Mail

Peter Imkeller

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Stefan Müller

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig