

The moduli space of convex real projective structures on surfaces

  • Anna Wienhard (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences)
E1 05 (Leibniz-Saal)


The moduli space of hyperbolic structures on a given closed topological surface of genus g is well known - due to the uniformization theorem it is just the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. It is a 6g-6 dimensional orbifold. It has a smooth manifold cover which is homeomorphic to a vector space. The moduli space of convex real projective structures has many similiar properties. It can also be realized as the quotient of a vector space, now of dimension 16g-16. I will describe the moduli space of convex real projective structures, coordinates on it, as well as explicit ways, how one can move around in this moduli space.

Saskia Gutzschebauch

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail

Daniele Agostini

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

Christian Lehn

Technische Universität Chemnitz

Rainer Sinn

Universität Leipzig