This talk would provide a brief overview about epistemic model of unawareness starting with Kripke structures with awareness by Fagin and Halpern, continuing with unawareness structures by Heifetz, Meier, and Schipper, the generalized standard models by Modica and Rustichini, the product model by Li, Kripke models with awareness and propositional quantification by Halpern and Rego, and first-order model logic with awareness by Board and Chung. These structures will be discussed mainly graphically using an example and draw on a review by Schipper (2014).
This talk would provide a brief overview about epistemic models with changing awareness. The author would start with Kripke models with awareness, continue with awareness bisimulation, and then discuss epistemic action models with awareness. Some of the material is based on van Ditmarsch, French, Velazquez Quesada and Wang (2013).
The second part of the survey would focus on approaches to dynamic games with unawareness by Halpern and Rego (2013b), Heifetz, Meier, and Schipper (2013), Feinberg (2012), and Grant and Quiggin (2013). Again, all approaches will be compared using an example.
The talk would introduce a dynamic epistemic logic for extensive-form games with unawareness. It allows the authors to model epistemic conditions on beliefs, awareness and rationality whose implications for the play are subsequently explored.
In standard games, players maximize preferences but preferences are usually defined over material outcomes only. Building on dynamic psychological games by Battigalli and Dufwenberg (2009) and dynamic games with unawareness by Heifetz, Meier, and Schipper (2013), the talk would introduce dynamic psychological games with unawareness in which preferences can also be defined over beliefs over others. Such an approach is useful to rationalize persistent and significant deviations from self-interested behavior (be- cause players may also care what others think about them). The talk is based on Nielsen and Sebald (2013).
This talk would provide a brief overview about epistemic models with changing awareness. The author would start with Kripke models with awareness, continue with awareness bisimulation, and then discuss epistemic action models with awareness. Some of the material is based on van Ditmarsch, French, Velazquez Quesada and Wang (2013).