
Universität Leipzig, ITP
ITP - Seminarraum
09.12.22 06.02.25

General Relativity

Previous Events

06.02.25 Quinten Rutgers (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Price's Law for Spherically Symmetric Charged Black Holes
30.01.25 Sam Dolan (The University of Sheffield)
Perturbations of rotating black holes in Lorenz gauge: method and applications
28.11.24 Volker Schlue (University of Melbourne)
Scattering problems with homogeneous asymptotics
21.11.24 Patrick Bourg (Radboud)
Non-linearities in the black-hole ringdown
14.11.24 Allen Fang (University of Münster)
Wave behavior in the vanishing cosmological constant limit
24.05.24 Hans Ringström (KTH Stockholm)
Formation of quiescent big bang singularities
10.05.24 Martin Taylor (Imperial College London)
Future stability of spatially homogeneous FLRW solutions of the Einstein--massless Vlasov system
03.05.24 Gabriele Benomio (Princeton University)
A new gauge for gravitational perturbations of Kerr spacetimes
26.04.24 Olivier Graf (Université Grenoble Alpes)
An L² curvature pinching result for the Euclidean 3-disk
19.04.24 Barry Wardell (University College Dublin)
Metric perturbations of Kerr spacetime in Lorenz gauge
12.04.24 Thomas Körber (Universität Wien)
Inverse mean curvature flow and Ricci-pinched three-manifolds
02.02.24 Leonhard Kehrberger (MPI MiS, Leipzig + Leipzig University)
The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity or the Behaviour of Gravitational Radiation in the Asymptotic Regime
05.01.24 Christopher Kauffman (Universität Münster)
Stability of perturbed wave equations on Kerr black hole spacetimes
08.12.23 Grigorios Fournodavlos (University of Crete)
Global stability of cosmological fluids with extreme tilt
01.12.23 Abraham Harte (Dublin City University)
Constraining extended-body motion in general relativity
24.11.23 István Kádár (University of Cambridge)
A scattering theory construction of dynamical solitons
30.06.23 Christoph Kehle (ETH Zürich)
Retiring the third law of black hole thermodynamics
16.06.23 Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman (University of Toronto)
Massive Scalar Fields on Black Hole Spacetimes
26.05.23 Claude Warnick (University of Cambridge)
Effective Field Theories
19.05.23 Marios Apetroaie (University of Toronto)
Linear Instability of Extreme Reissner--Nordström
12.05.23 Rita Teixeira da Costa (Princeton, U.S.A., and Cambridge University, U.K.)
The Teukolsky equation on Kerr black hole spacetimes
21.04.23 Adam Pound (University of Southampton)
Progress in gravitational self-force theory: recent advances in modelling asymmetric binaries
20.01.23 Aaron Kovacs (SISSA, Trieste)
On the Cauchy problem in Effective Field Theories of gravity
19.01.23 Georgios Moschidis (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
Turbulence in general relativity
09.12.22 Leonhard Kehrberger (University of Cambridge)
The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity