Geometry of curves in time series and shape analysis
Multidimensional sequential data appears both in time series analysis, representing a process evolving in time, and in shape analysis, representating the boundary of an object. Extracting geometric features of, and detecting symmetries in, such data is useful in their mathematical analysis and in improving the efficiency of machine learning algorithms. In recent years, both the iterated-integral signature and the moving frame method have been successfully used in this endeavor. They both provide geometrically relevant representations of sequential data, and have been used in applications ranging from mathematical finance to computer vision.
The aim of this virtual workshop is to showcase the recent applications of these mathematical tools in data science. Introductory talks on the iterated-integrals signature and the moving frame method will provide a common language for the research presentations on current applications. The recent connection of the two communities with commutative algebra and computational algebraic tools, make the MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, an attractive place to host the meeting. Additionally there will be a special session on evolutionary anthropology and image analysis with researchers from the MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.
Plenary speakers are:
- Irina Kogan (NC State University)
- Terry Lyons (University of Oxford)
- Harald Oberhauser (University of Oxford)
- Peter Olver (University of Minnesota)
Special session on evolutionary anthropology speakers are:
- Stephan Huckemann (Universtiy of Göttingen)
- Shannon McPherron (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
- Christoph von Tycowicz (Zuse Institute Berlin)
Confirmed speakers are:
- Mireille Boutin (Purdue University)
- Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- Adeline Fermanian (LPSM, Sorbonne Université)
- Peter Friz (TU Berlin)
- Eric Geiger (NC State University)
- Hao Ni (University College London)
- Nikolas Tapia (Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics Berlin)
- Katrina Yezzi-Woodley (University of Minnesota)