
Previous Events

21.04.23 Stefano Mereta (MPI MiS, Leipzig + University of Ulm)
Tropical geometry and Berkovich analytification
20.04.23 Adam Morgan (University of Glasgow)
Invariants of hyperelliptic curves over local fields
19.04.23 Bernd Sturmfels
Tropical Plane Curves
19.04.23 Emeryck Marie (TU Chemnitz)
Mirror symmetry and tropical geometry
18.04.23 Ole Ossen (University o f Ulm)
Semistable reduction of plane quartics
17.04.23 Paul Helminck (University of Durham)
Recovering a covering of schemes from Galois orbits of power series
14.04.23 Sachi Hashimoto
Introductory Lecture for "Number Theory meets Tropical Geometry"

Administrative Contact

Katharina Matschke

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail