
Kurhotel Bad Lausick
19.05.00 23.05.00

Schloeßmann Seminar on Mathematical Models in Biology, Chemistry and Physics

About Schloeßmann Seminar

The Max Planck Society intends to promote interdisciplinary research in selected areas of the sciences. For this purpose a 3 day seminar shall be organized every year in memory of Dr. Ernst Rudolf Schloeßmann, a former supporting member of the Society, who died June 30th, 1993. Leading experts in the field are invited to present their views and young scientists are encouraged to make research proposals and present them as part of the seminar.
The Schloeßmann seminar 2000 will be focused on the crossroad between mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics including the following topics:
  • brain function
  • image processing
  • many-particle systems and materials
  • mathematical biology
  • quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics
  • quantum computers
  • quantum field theory
  • quantum gravitation and cosmology
  • scientific computing

Admission to the seminar will be limited and will be decided upon by the scientific committee.

Schloeßmann Awards

Young scientists, who are presently studying at a European university or have the citizenship in a European country and are working as a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow are invited to make challenging research proposals within the field of the seminar. The scientific committee decides - based on a two-pages exposé - which proposals are accepted for an oral or poster presentation. Acceptance of a contribution will include coverage of travel expenses as well as food and lodging at the seminar. The most outstanding oral contributions are honoured by awards totalling DM 20 000.

Schloeßmann Fellowships

Postdoctoral fellowships (2 years) to be used at suitable Max Planck Institutes are awarded for the most original research proposals at the end of the seminar. In applying for such a fellowship a short curriculum vitae should be submitted in addition to a two-pages exposé.


The presentation should describe the research proposal and its relation to former work and be prepared for a more general audience. Decisions about oral or poster presentations will be made by the Scientific Committee by the end of March.



Y. von Cramon

Max-Planck-Institut für Kongnitions- und Neurowissenschaften

H. Nicolai

Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitational Physics

Wolfgang Hackbusch

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

Stefan Müller

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

Jürgen Jost

Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften

Eberhard Zeidler

Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften